What is age? A simple question but not that easy to answer. ’Unmasking Age’ addresses it using data from a series of research projects relating to later life. This is supplemented by material from a range of other sources including diaries and fiction. Drawing on a long career in social research, Bill Bytheway critically examines various methods and discusses ways of uncovering the realities of age.
Contents: Introducing age; A nuisance variable?; Chronological age is significant; How old are you?; Age in time; Representations of age; Growing older and older; The later life perspective; Getting real.
Om författaren
Bill Bytheway was trained as a statistician and has worked in social research for over 40 years. He is a founding member of the British Society of Gerontology and edited the journal, Ageing & Society, between 1997 and 2001. He is a member of the Academy of the Social Sciences and is a visiting Research Fellow with the Open University.