Författare: Hal Arkowitz

Hal Arkowitz is Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Arizona. He has published widely in the areas of anxiety, depression, resistance to change, and psychotherapy. A past editor of the Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, he maintains an active clinical practice as well as teaching courses on abnormal psychology, psychopathology, and psychotherapy at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Scott O. Lilienfeld is Professor of Psychology at Emory University in Atlanta. Dr. Lilienfeld has published over 200 articles, book chapters, and books on personality, personality assessment, anxiety disorders, psychiatric classification and diagnosis, pseudoscience in psychology, and evidence-based practices in clinical psychology. In addition, he has appeared on ABC”s 20/20, CNN, the CBS Evening News, and National Public Radio.

7 E-böcker av Hal Arkowitz

Hal Arkowitz & Scott O. Lilienfeld: Facts and Fictions in Mental Health
Written in a lively and entertaining style, Facts and Fictions in Mental Health examines common conceptions and misconceptions surrounding mental health and its treatment. Each chapter focuses on a …
Hal Arkowitz & Scott O. Lilienfeld: Facts and Fictions in Mental Health
Written in a lively and entertaining style, Facts and Fictions in Mental Health examines common conceptions and misconceptions surrounding mental health and its treatment. Each chapter focuses on a …
Hal Arkowitz & William R. Miller: Motivational Interviewing in the Treatment of Psychological Problems
This authoritative guide, now significantly revised and expanded, has given tens of thousands of clinicians proven tools for helping clients resolve ambivalence and mobilize their energy, commitmen …
Hal Arkowitz & L.E. Beutler: Comprehensive Handbook of Cognitive Therapy
In reviewing the Contents of this Handbook edited by Freeman, Simon, Beutler, and Arkowitz, I am both impressed and gratified with the enormous strides made by cognitive- behavior therapy since the …
Hal Arkowitz & William R. Miller: Motivational Interviewing in the Treatment of Psychological Problems
This authoritative guide, now significantly revised and expanded, has given tens of thousands of clinicians proven tools for helping clients resolve ambivalence and mobilize their energy, commitment, …
Hal Arkowitz & William R. Miller: Motivational Interviewing in the Treatment of Psychological Problems
This authoritative guide, now significantly revised and expanded, has given tens of thousands of clinicians proven tools for helping clients resolve ambivalence and mobilize their energy, commitment, …
Hal Arkowitz & Scott O. Lilienfeld: Adevăruri și mituri despre sănătatea mentală
Există depresie fără lacrimi? Ne confruntăm, în prezent, cu o epidemie de autism? Divorțul le creează întotdeauna tulburări grave copiilor? Marijuana creează dependență? Prădătorii sexuali recidiveaz …