How to Survive the Coronavirus Pandemic
Fast moving crisis. The coronavirus (formally known as 2019-n Co V) is not just “serious” or “a cause for concern.” The truth is that the virus is spreading faster, does more serious damage to the infected, and is much more lethal than the general media or health officials are letting on.
What actions can we take? It is critical that you learn the truth about the coronavirus and what you need to do to prepare to survive the greatest public health catastrophe since the Spanish Flu of 1918-1920. Dr. Mark Koltko-Rivera provides hard facts in his book The Truth About Coronavirus.
The Truth About Coronavirus makes four key points:
- The coronavirus is much more widespread and dangerous than the popular media has been letting on.
- The coronavirus is likely to become a widespread epidemic within the United States in a very brief time.
- Readers need to take measures NOW to protect themselves and their families from the coronavirus—and they have a very short timeframe in which to do this.
- The necessary preparation is doable and Dr. Koltko-Rivera shows you how.
Om författaren
Mark Koltko-Rivera received his doctoral degree from the Department of Applied Psychology at New York University. For several years, he was the director of research at a private research firm, where he prepared proposals for research funded by the US Federal government and conducted the funded projects as Principal Investigator. He conducted extensive studies to respond to calls for proposals regarding pandemic influenza, helping him gain a great deal of knowledge regarding pandemic epidemiology along the way.
Mark Koltko-Rivera is well-equipped to critique the official statistics about the coronavirus—and to determine what the reality is.