This edited volume focuses on the experiences of individuals learning languages other than English (LOTEs) in a range of Asian contexts that have traditionally been under-represented in the literature. Aligning with the ‘multilingual turn’ in SLA, it views learners as individuals of a multilingual society with unique, complex, heterogenous and dynamic identities. The chapters explore the learners’ motivational trajectories, multilingual identities and their conceptualisations of the ‘ideal multilingual self’. This volume enhances our critical understanding of language learning motivation through empirical findings and conceptual insights from studies of motivation in specific regions in Asia, including Greater China, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Pakistan and Syria. Providing insight into the multilingual identities of individuals learning LOTEs, it will appeal to students and scholars in second language acquisition, researchers in language learning motivation and policymakers in language education.
Figures and Tables
Xuesong (Andy) Gao: Foreword
Chapter 1. Anas Hajar and Syed Abdul Manan: Introduction
Chapter 2. Alastair Henry: Language Learning Motivation and the Multilingual Turn
Chapter 3. Ning An and Yongyan Zheng: Negotiating Agentive Selves in Arabic Learning: A Case Study of Arabic Learners at a Chinese University
Chapter 4. Tianyi Wang: The Construction of Ought-To Multilingual Selves and their Roles in Shaping Chinese Language Learners’ LOTE Motivation
Chapter 5. Chika Takahashi: Japanese Learners’ LOTE Motivation and Persistence in Learning: Focusing on the Influence of English
Chapter 6. Tae Umino: Exploring International Students’ Experiences of Learning Japanese in Japan through Multimodal Language Learning Histories
Chapter 7. Anas Hajar and Syed Abdul Manan: Identity, Investment and Language Learning Strategies: Voices of Undergraduate Students Learning Korean in Kazakhstan
Chapter 8. Raan Hann Tan and Larisa Nikitina: Indonesian Students’ Mental Images of Portugal and their L2 Motivation
Chapter 9. Stefanie Pillai and Roshidah Hassan: Multilingual Language Profiles, Perceptions and Motivations within the Context of Majoring in a Foreign Language in Malaysia
Chapter 10. Muhammad Yasir Khan, Liaquat Ali Channa and Muhammad Mohsin Khan: Understanding Pakistani University Students’ Motivations for Learning Chinese in Pakistan: A Bourdieusian Perspective
Chapter 11. Anas Hajar: Understanding Challenges, Strategy Use and the Ideal Multilingual Self of Internally Displaced Syrians on the Syria–Turkey Border
Chapter 12. Yeji Han: L2 Selves as a Source of Emotional Discomfort: A Self-Discrepancy Perspective
Chapter 13. Amy S. Thompson: Current Understandings and Future Directions in L2 Motivation Research
Syed Abdul Manan is Associate Professor of Multilingual Education at Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan. His research interests include sociolinguistics, language policy and planning, mother tongue-based bi/multilingual education, World Englishes and linguistic landscapes.