Upper-elementary students encounter a sometimes dizzying array of traditional and nontraditional texts both in and outside of the classroom. This practical handbook helps teachers in grades 4–6 harness the instructional potential of fiction, poetry, and plays; informational texts; graphic novels; digital storytelling; Web-based and multimodal texts; hip-hop; advertisements; math problems; and many other types of texts. Twenty-four complete lessons promote critical literacy skills such as comprehending, analyzing, and synthesizing information and using writing to communicate new ideas and pose questions. Snapshots of diverse classrooms are accompanied by clear explanations of the research base for instruction in each genre. Ready-to-use reproducibles are included.
1. Introduction, Barbara Moss and Diane Lapp I. Teaching the Genres: What Students Often Encounter2. Transforming Traditional Tales to Improve Comprehension and Composition, Terrell A. Young, Laura Tuiaea, and Barbara A. Ward3. Every Story Has a Problem: How to Improve Student Narrative Writing in Grades 4–6, Sue Dymock and Tom Nicholson4. Teaching Poetry, Claudia Dybdahl5. Using Readers’ Theater to Engage Students with Drama, Regina M. Rees6. Teaching Journalistic Style: A Newspaper Genre Study, Nancy Frey and Douglas Fisher7. Using Procedural Texts and Documents to Develop Functional Literacy with Students: The Key to Their Future in a World of Words, Martha D. Collins and Amy B. Horton8. Going Beyond Opinion: Teaching Children to Write Persuasively, Dana L. Grisham, Cheryl Wozniak, and Thomas De Vere Wolsey9. Reading Biography: Evaluating Information across Texts, Barbara Moss and Diane Lapp II. Teaching Other Genres: What Students Could Also Encounter10. Using Comic Literature with Older Students, Chris Wilson11. Using Primary-Source Documents and Digital Storytelling as a Catalyst for Writing Historical Fiction in the Fourth Grade, Carol J. Fuhler12. No Stripping Allowed: Reading and Writing Political Cartoons, James Bucky Carter with Kelly Lynn Carter13. Self-Expressing through Hip-Hop as Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, Nadjwa E. L. Norton14. Exploring High-Stakes Tests as a Genre, Charles Fuhrken and Nancy Roser15. Reading a Science Experiment: Deciphering the Language of Scientists, Maria Grant16. Reading + Mathematics = SUCCESS: Using Literacy Strategies to Enhance Problem-Solving Skills, Mary Lou Di Pillo17. Promoting Literacy through Visual Aids: Teaching Students to Read Graphs, Maps, Charts, and Tables, Paola Pilonieta, Karen Wood, and D. Bruce Taylor18. Critically Reading Advertisements: Examining Visual Images and Persuasive Language, Lori Czop Assaf and Alina Adonyi19. Reading Web-Based Electronic Texts: Using Think-Alouds to Help Students Begin to Understand the Process, Christine A. Mc Keon20. Developing Critical Literacy: Comparatively Reading Multiple Text Sources in a Sixth-Grade Classroom, Jesse Gainer III. Crafting the Genre: Sharing One’s Voice through Writing21. Using Written Response for Reading Comprehension of Literary Text, Evangeline Newton, Ruth Oswald, and Todd Oswald22. Reading Persuasive Texts, Thomas De Vere Wolsey, Cheryl Pham, and Dana L. Grisham23. Writing a Biography: Creating Powerful Insights into History and Personal Lives, Dorothy Leal24. Monumental Ideas for Teaching Report Writing through a Visit to Washington, DC, Susan K. Leone25. Writing Summaries of Expository Text Using the Magnet Summary Strategy, Laurie Elish-Piper and Susan R. Hinrichs26. Conclusion: Looking Back, Looking Forward, Diane Lapp and Barbara Moss
Barbara Moss, Ph D, is Professor of Literacy Education in the School of Teacher Education at San Diego State University. She has taught English and language arts in elementary, middle, and high school settings and has worked as a reading coach. Dr. Moss’s research focuses on the teaching of informational texts at the elementary and secondary levels. She regularly presents at local, state, national, and international conferences and has published numerous journal articles, columns, book chapters, and books. Dr. Moss has served as the Young Adult Literature column editor for Voices in the Middle, a publication of the National Council of Teachers of English.Diane Lapp, Ed D, is Distinguished Professor of Education in the Department of Teacher Education at San Diego State University. She has taught elementary, middle, and high school and serves as Director of Learning at Health Sciences High and Middle College. Her research and instruction focus on issues related to struggling readers and writers who live in economically deprived urban settings, and their families and teachers. Widely published, Dr. Lapp has received the Outstanding Teacher Educator of the Year Award from the International Literacy Association, among other honors, and is a member of both the International Reading Hall of Fame and the California Reading Hall of Fame.