One reason the English language may seem difficult to learn is that there are so many words that sound alike but are spelled differently. This large group of multiple-meaning words is called homophones. The term ‘homophone’ comes from the Greek words ‘homos’ (same) and ‘phone’ (sound). There are hundreds of homophones. This book lists those that may help English as a second language students the most in their study of the English language. Some words are not pronounced exactly the same way but are very similar. Studying homophones is a fun and interesting way to improve one’s language skills. The reader might be amazed at how many homophones are used in everyday life.
Charlotte Smith is a retired teacher of high school mathematics and English. She was also a K-12 librarian for many years. She has a B.S. in mathematics, an M.Ed., and teaching endorsements in English, library science, and administration and supervision. She is originally from Memphis, Tennessee, where she taught math at the local community college. She now lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where she was a Sylvan Learning Center tutor for ten years.