The Handbook of Intercultural Discourse and Communication
Intercultural discourse and communication is emerging as an important area of research in a highly globalized and connected world, where language and culture contact is frequent and cultural misunderstandings and misconceptions abound. The handbook contains contributions from established scholars and up-and-coming researchers from a range of subfields to survey the theoretical perspectives and applied work in this burgeoning area of linguistics.
This timely volume features first a part that introduces the background detailing the scope and topics of the field; followed by one that describes four different theoretical approaches and their basic research questions, from Ethnography of Speaking and John Gumperz’s Interactional Sociolinguistics to Critical Approaches and Postmodernism. The third part, ‘Interactional Discourse Features, ‘ describes and explains the features of talk that are frequently studied in cross-cultural research, such as turn-taking and politeness. The volume also includes a section on Interactional Discourse sites, examining cross-cultural communication (such as Greek-Turkish discourse).
The final part considers a variety of domains in which interaction takes place, such as Translation, Business, Law, Medicine, Education, and Religion.
Notes on Contributors vii
Preface xv
Introduction xvii
Part I Background 1
1 Intercultural Communication: An Overview 3
Ingrid Piller
2 Perspectives on Intercultural Discourse and Communication
Leila Monaghan
3 Cultures and Languages in Contact: Towards a Typology 37
John Edwards
Part II Theoretical Perspectives 61
4 Interactional Sociolinguistics: Perspectives on Intercultural
Communication 63
John J. Gumperz and Jenny Cook-Gumperz
5 Ethnography of Speaking 77
Scott F. Kiesling
6 Critical Approaches to Intercultural Discourse and
Communication 90
Ryuko Kubota
7 Postmodernism and Intercultural Discourse: World Englishes
Suresh Canagarajah
Part III Interactional Discourse Features 133
8 Turn-Taking and Intercultural Discourse and Communication
Deborah Tannen
9 Silence 158
Ikuko Nakane
10 Indirectness 180
Michael Lempert
11 Politeness in Intercultural Discourse and Communication
Janet Holmes
Part IV Intercultural Discourse Sites 229
12 Anglo-Arab Intercultural Communication 231
Eirlys E. Davies and Abdelali Bentahila
13 Japan/Anglo-American Cross-Cultural Communication 252
Steven Brown, Brenda Hayashi, and Kikue Yamamoto
14 ‘Those Venezuelans are so easy-going!’ National
Stereotypes and Self-Representations in Discourse about the Other
Lars Fant
15 ‘Face, ‘ Stereotyping, and Claims of Power: The
Greeks and Turks in Interaction 292
Maria Sifianou and Aryn
16 Intercultural Communication and Vocational Language Learning
in South Africa: Law and Healthcare 313
Russell H. Kaschula and Pamela Maseko
17 Indigenous-Mestizo Interaction in Mexico 337
Rocío Fuentes
Part V Interactional Domains 365
18 Translation and Intercultural Communication: Bridges and
Barriers 367
Eirlys E. Davies
19 Cultural Differences in Business Communication 389
John Hooker
20 Intercultural Communication in the Law 408
Diana Eades
21 Medicine 430
Claudia V. Angelelli
22 Intercultural Discourse and Communication in Education
Amanda J. Godley
23 Religion as a Domain of Intercultural Discourse 482
Jonathan M. Watt
Index 496
Scott F. Kiesling is Associate Professor of Linguistics
at the University of Pittsburgh. His publications include the books
Linguistic Variation and Change (2011) and Intercultural
Discourse and Communication: The Essential Readings
(Wiley-Blackwell 2005, co-edited with Christina Bratt
Christina Bratt Paulston is Professor Emerita of
Linguistics at the University of Pittsburgh. Her numerous
publications include Intercultural Discourse and Communication:
The Essential Readings (Wiley-Blackwell 2005, co-edited with
Scott F. Kiesling), Sociolinguistics: The Essential Readings
(Blackwell 2003, co-edited with G. Richard Tucker), and
Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Bilingual Education
Elizabeth S. Rangel is Research Associate at Learning
Research and Development Center (LRDC), a Cognitive Science
Research Institute at the University of Pittsburgh. Her most recent
publications include chapters in the third edition of the
International Encyclopedia of Education (2010), and
Innovative Learning Environments from the Organization for
Economic Co-Operation and Development (2010).