This new book is a lively and original study of psychoanalysis and its relations to the arts.
Acknowledgements vii
Introduction 1
Part I Psychoanalysis and Literature: Freud 11
1 What is a psychoanalytic reading? 13
2 The uncanny and its poetics 18
3 The vagaries of fantasy: Alfred Kubin’s The Other Side 31
4 Maladies of the soul: the poetics of Julia Kristeva 41
Part II Psychoanalysis and Language: Lacan 59
5 What is a discourse? 61
6 The indirections of desire: Hamlet 77
7 Inscribing the body politic: Robert Coover’s Spanking the Maid 86
8 What does Woman want?: The Double Life of Véronique 104
Part III Patients and Analysts: Readers and Texts 115
9 What is a clinical ‘case’? 117
10 The rhetoric of clinical discourse: Dialogue with Sammy 132
11 The rhetoric of clinical management: Bion and Minuchin 140
12 Out of tune: Elfriede Jelinek’s The Piano Teacher 154
Conclusion 165
Notes 169
Bibliography 186
Index 193
Elizabeth Wright was formerly at Girton College, Cambridge.