This book presents 50 case studies of contemporary co-housing projects spread all over the world to show how communities of shared living have become a global phenomenon that can serve as a tool to promote social and urban sustainability. By presenting evidence that shared housing experiences are capable of revitalizing sterile urban fabrics and promoting social sustainable practices, the volume situates co-housing experiences as microscale responses to the macroscale challenges posed by environmental degradation and the decline of communitarian ways of living.
The volume also reviews the most famous typologies of shared living in different parts of the world across human history. By analyzing historical experiences in different regions of Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania, the author shows that living together is part of a historical culture of sharing that is being rediscovered all over the world by people who activate public spaces, work in shared offices or live in contractual communities.
The Co-Housing Phenomenon – Environmental Alliance in Times of Changes will be of interest to both professionals and scholars involved in urban design, urban planning and architecture, especially those in the field of sustainable urbanism. It will also be a valuable resource for public agents and civil society organizations dealing with housing, social, environmental and sustainability policies.
1. Technocene, - 2. Sharing as cultural revolution.- 3. Sharing as cultural pre-existence.- 4. Co-housing.- 5. Co-housing cases.- 6. Hopes.
Emanuele Giorgi is Full Time Visiting Professor at the School of Architecture, Art and Design of Tecnológico de Monterrey in Chihuahua (Mexico), he develops activities of teaching and research about the topics of communities and territorial sustainable development. He is Ph D in Civil Engineering and Architecture, title earned in 2016 at the University of Pavia (Italy)
with a research on communities and contemporary relationship between Humanity and Environment. For his research
activities on territorial phenomena, he is member of the International Society of Urban Health (ISUH) and of the
laboratory China Lab (China architecture urban studies Lab), which is an international research network operative
mainly between Italy and China.