Yann Arthus-Bertrand, born in 1946, has always had a passion for the animal world and nature.
To mark the first Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, Yann decided to launch a vast photographic project about the world and its people: Earth from the Air. The book has sold more than 3 million copies. The accompanying open-air photo exhibition, presented in around 100 countries, has been viewed by some 200 million people.
Continuing his commitment to the environment, Yann established the Good Planet Foundation. Since 2005, this non-governmental organisation has sought to educate people about the environment and climate change.
In recognition of his dedication, Yann Arthus-Bertrand was designated Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Environment Programme in 2009. That year he made his first full-length feature film, HOME, which deals with the state of our planet and has been watched by some 600 million people.
In 2011, with Michael Pitiot, he co-directed the film PLANET OCEAN, which was previewed in June 2012 at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development.
In 2015, his film HUMAN was previewed simultaneously at the Venice Film Festival and at the United Nations General Assembly in the presence of Ban Ki-Moon. Through his many stories recounting love and happiness, but also hatred and violence, HUMAN challenges us and makes us think about how we live.
That same year, at Cop21, Yann presented another film, TERRA, illustrating the magnificence of life.
Yann Arthus-Bertrand has now embarked on a new challenge, a film called WOMAN.
101 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย European Investment Bank
Yann Arthus-Bertrand: On Water
When taking a drink is as easy as turning a tap, it is easy to forget that our water supply is fragile and that hundreds of millions of people do not have clean drinking water or proper sanitation. T …
Emmanuel Malabo Makasa: Health is wealth
Many rural areas in Africa still have high maternal and infant death rates because there are no local surgeons. Many children drop out of school because their untreated disabilities prevent them from …
European Investment Bank: The future of the European space sector: How to leverage Europe’s technological leadership and boost investments for space ventures – Executive Summary
The executive summary provides a short overview of the European space economy and its funding landscape and summarises the findings and recommendations of the study. The study reviews access-to-finan …
European Investment Bank: Feeding future generations: How finance can boost innovation in agri-food – Executive Summary
The food sector is a strategic part of the European economy, but it faces many complex challenges: – The sector is afraid of risk – Spending on innovation is low – The sector does not use technology …
European Investment Bank: Ten years of the Vienna Initiative 2009-2019
This year, the Vienna Initiative marks its 10th anniversary. For this special occasion, the Steering Committee has prepared a commemorative book, with essays and contributions from the key actors and …
European Investment Bank: EIB Working Papers 2019/10 – Structural and cyclical determinants of access to finance
Egyptian firms face significant access to finance constraints. Using panel data, this paper examines the reasons why many Egyptian firms do not use formal banking services. Using data on the location …
European Investment Bank: EIB Working Papers 2019/11 – Macro-based asset allocation
Macro-based asset allocation is based on the identification of turning points in macro-financial cycles. This paper suggests that macro-based asset allocation informed by trends in continuous busines …
European Investment Bank: EIB Working Papers 2018/06 – Resource Misallocation in European Firms
Using EIBIS, this paper shows that the dispersion of marginal products across firms in the European Union is about twice as large as that in the United States and estimate potential increases in GDP …
European Investment Bank: EIB Working Papers 2018/07 – Young SMEs: Driving Innovation in Europe?
Using the EIB Investment Survey, this working paper categorises EU firms according to their involvement in R&D and other innovation activities. It explores why young innovators are not more engaged i …
Jeremy Rifkin: Smart Europe
A green digital economy could change the future of the Old Continent. The new Smart Europe will be based on three elements: new communication technologies, new sources of energy and new modes of mobi …
European Investment Bank: EIB Working Papers 2019/05 – Skill shortages and skill mismatch in Europe
Labour markets are undergoing structural transformation due to globalisation, demographic trends, advancing digital technologies and automation and changes in labour market institutions. Against this …
European Investment Bank: EIB Working Papers 2019/06 – Promoting energy audits: Results from an experiment
– Energy audits are key to increase investments in energy efficiency – This paper assesses the effectiveness of policy interventions in promoting energy audits by relying on evidence from a unique ex …
European Investment Bank: EIB Working Papers 2019/07 – What firms don’t like about bank loans: New evidence from survey data
We use the association between non-financial firms and their banks, an information available in the European Investment Bank Investment Survey (EIBIS), to disentangle the effects of borrowers' a …
European Investment Bank: EIB Working Papers 2019/08 – Investment: What holds Romanian firms back?
In Romania, the share of firms carrying out investment is amongst the lowest in the European Union. This is despite strong economic growth in recent years and persistent needs for upgrading the capit …
European Investment Bank: EIB Working Papers 2019/09 – The impact of international financial institutions on SMEs
IFIs provide funding for SMEs, but what impact does this actually have on these firms? This working paper assesses the impact of funding by the EIB on the performance of more than 5, 000 SMEs in eigh …
European Investment Bank: Financing the digitalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises
The study provides an overview of the role of digital innovation hubs and snapshot of the status of digitalisation in Europe. It comes in a very timely moment. The current COVID-19 crisis has highlig …
European Investment Bank: EIB Working Papers 2018/08 – Debt overhang and investment efficiency
Using a pan-European data set of 8.5 million firms, this paper finds that firms with high debt overhang invest relatively more than otherwise similar firms if they are operating in sectors facing goo …
European Investment Bank: EIB Working Papers 2019/01 – Blockchain, FinTechs
The purpose of this working paper is to provide a primer on financial technology and on Blockchain, while sheding light on the impact they may have on the financial industry. Fin Techs, the financial …
European Investment Bank: EIB Working Papers 2019/02 – How energy audits promote SMEs’ energy efficiency investment
Energy audits play an important role in promoting energy-efficiency measures in SMEs. This paper uses EIB Investment Survey data about energy audits and energy-efficiency investments of some 12, 500 …
European Investment Bank: EIB Working Papers 2019/03 – Financing and obstacles for high growth enterprises: the European case
Firms can be identified as high growth, stable or declining. This paper investigates the links between these different phases in the life of a firm, investment activity, financing needs and financing …
European Investment Bank: EIB Working Papers 2019/04 – Can survey-based information help to assess investment gaps in the EU?
Information from surveys can be used alongside macroeconomic indicators to provide a better understanding of the obstacles to investment faced by firms. This study uses merged firm level data from th …
European Investment Bank: EIB Investment Report 2019/2020
The Investment Report, issued annually by the European Investment Bank, provides a comprehensive overview and analysis of investment and the financing of investment in the European Union. It combines …
Robert Atkinson: Don’t fear AI
Over the last decade, Europe and most advanced economies experienced a decline in productivity, leading to political unrest and rising uncertainty about the future. A new production revolution, enabl …
European Investment Bank: EIB Group Survey on Investment and Investment Finance 2019: EU overview
The annual EIB Investment Survey (EIBIS) gathers qualitative and quantitative information on investment activities by around 12 500 companies across the EU, their financing requirements and the diffi …
Ellen MacArthur: The virtuous circle
Imagine an economy in which today's goods become tomorrow's resources and nothing is discarded. Ellen Mac Arthur, the founder of her eponymous foundation, which works to accelerate the tran …
Massimo Bottura: Food for change
Massimo Bottura is more than a Michelin star-winning chef. Together with Lara Gilmore, he also founded Food for Soul, a non-profit organisation seeking to reduce food waste through inclusion. On the …
European Investment Bank: EIB Investment Report 2019/2020 – Key findings
The Investment Report, issued annually by the European Investment Bank, provides a comprehensive overview and analysis of investment and the financing of investment in the European Union. It combines …
Bebe Vio: I have a dream
All athletes experience setbacks. But to have your limbs – the very tools you use to practice your sport – taken away by an illness at a young age is a setback that many would never overcome. Bebe Vi …
Spencer de Grey: Common Ground
By 2050, three-quarters of the world’s 9.6-billion-strong population will be living in cities – inhabiting vibrant historic cores, commuting from new hinterlands via high-speed transit, or occupying …
Javier Cercas: The vision and the path
What is Europe? A continent fragmented through the centuries by wars, border conflicts and cultural diversity. As Europeans, we do not have a common language or a common history, but we do have commo …
Wojciech Dziemianowicz & Jacek Szlachta: Warsaw: Revival and realignment
With 3 million residents, the Metropolitan Warsaw region is today the ninth most-populated capital city in the EU. It has undergone a series of far-reaching changes to its economic structure over the …
Eugen Antalovsky & Jana Löw: Why Vienna gets high marks
This essay reviews the political circumstances and strategic orientations of Vienna's comprehensive urban development policy, and how the EIB's investments facilitated key projects and supp …
Greg Clark & Tim Moonen: The story of your city
By the end of this century, 9 out of 10 Europeans will live in an urban area. But what kind of city will they call home? You'll find all the answers in CITY, TRANSFORMED, the new essay series fr …
Brian Field: Burgas: Planning a Black Sea smart city
Burgas regularly tops the list of best places to live in Bulgaria. Whether enjoying a walk through the resplendent Sea Garden, relaxing on the beautiful central city beach, or enjoying a drink and fr …
Greg Clark & Tim Moonen: Londres, ville mobile
En 2018, malgré les incertitudes liées au Brexit, Londres reste largement perçue comme un centre d'affaires de premier plan et comme un vaste vivier de connaissances et de talents, se maintenant …
Greg Clark & Tim Moonen: London: Mobility City
Despite the uncertainties of Brexit, London continues to be rated as a leading location in Europe and the world for business, knowledge, and talent. But 30 years ago, when London had no citywide gove …
Gianni Carbonaro & Chiara Pancotti: Bologna: A Sustainable Culture
Bologna's unique political and cultural history helped it forge ahead of most Italian cities with strategic investments in services, health care and education. How well does its focus on sustain …
European Investment Bank: European Investment Bank Activity Report 2018
The European Investment Bank is the biggest multilateral financial institution in the world. – In the 2018 HIGHLIGHTS you can read about the lending volume and investment in each EU country. – Presid …
European Investment Bank: European Investment Bank Annual Report 2018 on the European Investment Advisory Hub
This report provides a summary of the Advisory Hub's activities in 2018 and a number of case studies of investment projects supported by the Hub in the reporting year. …
European Investment Bank: EIB Activity in Africa, the Caribbean, the Pacific and the Overseas Countries and Territories
The EIB report on Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific explains how developing countries have different needs that require different solutions. But they all need to invest in roads, bridges, renewab …
European Investment Bank: Three foundations: A competitive, sustainable, inclusive Europe
Europe faces a historic opportunity. We need to reimagine European unity as a collective endeavour, as the only way in which we can turn threats to our way of life into the possibility to create a be …
Grzegorz Gorzelak: The eastern horizon – A regional perspective
Countries and regions in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) have gone through several challenges. They went through totalitarian and authoritarian communist regimes, gained independence at the end of t …
European Investment Bank: European Investment Bank Group Activity Report 2019
This report tracks the green thread that runs through the European Investment Bank Group's work in 2019, specifically action to fight climate change. Climate action has long been a significant f …
Matteo Rivellini: Hope and strength in the Western Balkans
The Western Balkans have been a crossing point between Central Europe and the East for centuries. Devastated by tragic conflicts, nationalism and neglected investments, the Western Balkan countries a …
European Investment Bank: The European Fund for Strategic Investments: The Legacy
The inside story of the European Fund for Strategic Investments from 2015 to 2020 told through interviews with the Managing Director, Deputy Managing Director, members of the Investment Committee and …
European Investment Bank: EIB Group Survey on Investment and Investment Finance 2020: EU overview
The annual EIB Investment Survey (EIBIS) gathers qualitative and quantitative information on investment activities by around 12 000 companies across the EU27 and an additional benchmark sample in the …
Hermann Parzinger: Togetherness – A new heritage deal for Europe
Europe's cultural heritage is a vast, multifaceted mosaic showing who we were, who we are and who we aspire to be. We are all responsible for this huge, precious and fragile legacy. The coronavi …
European Investment Bank: EIB Investment Report 2020/2021
The Europe Union's massive efforts to rebuild after the coronavirus pandemic present a unique opportunity to transform its economy, making it more green and digital – and ultimately more competi …
European Investment Bank: EIB Investment Report 2020/2021 – Keyfindings
The Europe Union's massive efforts to rebuild after the coronavirus pandemic present a unique opportunity to transform its economy, making it more green and digital – and ultimately more competi …
European Investment Bank: European Investment Bank Activity Report 2020
Our flagship report highlights the European Investment Bank's key contribution to combatting the COVID-19, climate change and development challenges that dominated 2020. It tells the stories of …
Tessa Bending: On Inequality
Does Europe have an inequality problem? Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, many Europeans are certainly struggling. The rise of populist movements is another signal that something is awry. Many Europeans no …
European Investment Bank: The 15 circular steps for cities – Second edition
This document outlines problems facing many linear cities today, and argues the case for circular change. It highlights elements that make cities suitable as both cradles and catalysts for a circular …
Tessa Bending: Des inégalités
L'Europe pâtit-elle des inégalités ? De nombreux Européens sont certainement mis à mal par la pandémie de COVID-19. La montée du populisme témoigne également d'un certain malaise. Beaucoup …
Tessa Bending: Über Ungleichheit
Hat Europa ein Ungleichheitsproblem? Die Coronapandemie hat jedenfalls viele Menschen in Not gebracht. Der Aufstieg populistischer Bewegungen ist ein weiteres Signal, dass etwas im Argen liegt. Viele …
European Investment Bank: European Investment Bank Group Sustainability Report 2020
Supporting sustainable and inclusive growth is at the heart of the EIB Group's lending. The EIB Group 2020 Sustainability Report looks at the impact of our global activities and our own corporat …
European Investment Bank: The Ocean Plastics Reduction Guide
The objective of this guide is to raise awareness about the oceans' crucial importance to us and to the planet, and the growing threats posed by plastics discharged into and accumulating in the …
European Investment Bank: Global Solutions, International Partnerships
The climate crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic remind us that we cannot face down our challenges alone—our solutions must be global. The European Investment Bank is at the heart of the push to turn EU …
European Investment Bank: A partnership with Africa
Africa is embarking upon a period in which its political, economic and social outlook will transform. The European Investment Bank is a key part of the EU toolbox that for decades has helped make the …
European Investment Bank: European Investment Advisory Hub Report 2020
The COVID-19 outbreak upended normal life and forced us to rethink the way we went about our day-to-day activities. In spite of the many challenges we faced in 2020, we offered many advisory solution …
European Investment Bank: Digitalisation in Europe 2020-2021
Taking an early lead on digitalisation is crucial to Europe's lasting competitiveness. Our newest digitalisation report sheds light on the state of digitalisation in European countries: – The ad …
European Investment Bank: EIB Activity in Africa, the Caribbean, the Pacific, and the Overseas Countries and Territories
The European Investment Bank is helping African, Caribbean and Pacific countries in parts of society that are sometimes forgotten — young people, women and girls, small companies, rural villages. We …
European Investment Bank: European firms and climate change 2020/2021
The European Union's COVID-19 recovery plan could be the impetus businesses need to invest in climate measures and prepare for the transition to a net-zero carbon economy. Our newest climate rep …
European Investment Bank: Uma parceria com a África
A África está prestes a entrar num período que irá transformar as suas perspetivas políticas, económicas e sociais. O Banco Europeu de Investimento é um instrumento fundamental ao serviço da União Eu …
European Investment Bank: Un partenariat avec l’Afrique
L'Afrique amorce une période qui verra la transformation de ses perspectives politiques, économiques et sociales. La Banque européenne d'investissement est un élément essentiel de la panopl …
European Investment Bank: Finance in Africa
Africa’s recovery from the COVID-19 crisis will depend on private firms sustaining and creating jobs. But even previously thriving enterprises have been badly hit by the crisis. This report outlines …
European Investment Bank: EIB Investment Survey 2021 – European Union overview
This unique insight into the corporate investment landscape in the European Union examines companies' finance needs and the constraints they face. The 2021 edition delves into the massive shock …
European Investment Bank: EIB Impact Report 2020
Investments supported by the European Investment Bank help achieve EU and international policy goals. The report specifically measures the effectiveness of our investments in three key areas: – Addit …
European Investment Bank: EIB Investment Report 2021/2022 – Key findings
The massive resources the European Union is unleashing to rebuild after COVID-19 present a unique opportunity to deal with climate change and improve the ability of firms and individuals to compete i …
European Investment Bank: European Investment Bank Activity Report 2021
Our flagship report illustrates how the European Investment Bank Group confronted two great threats in 2021, the climate crisis and the coronavirus pandemic, even as the challenges posed by developme …
European Investment Bank: Digitalisation in Europe 2021-2022
The coronavirus crisis accelerated the digital transformation of Europe's economy. Before the pandemic, cutting-edge digital technologies were primarily used by the most innovative and modern fi …
European Investment Bank: Business Resilience in the Pandemic and Beyond
COVID-19 set new challenges for the economies in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Strong policy and fiscal support allowed businesses to stay afloat, with firms making long strides in innovation and …
European Investment Bank: Unlocking the hydrogen economy — stimulating investment across the hydrogen value chain
Green hydrogen, sourced from water and renewable energy, has – by replacing fossil fuels – enormous potential for the reduction of global carbon emissions in hard-to-abate industrial sectors. Yet, li …
European Investment Bank: Unlocking Sustainable Private Sector Growth in the Middle East and North Africa
More than a decade after the Arab Spring, the Middle East and North Africa region finds itself facing momentous challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted economies, and the Russian invasion of …
European Investment Bank: EIB Global Report: The Story
The world is beset by crises that are reshaping societies, economies, healthcare systems, transport and workplaces. Many parts of our lives are changing. The greatest challenges, such as COVID-19, cl …
European Investment Bank: EIB Global Report: The Impact
The European Investment Bank (EIB) has a long track record as a provider of development and climate finance, working with EU institutions, Member States and partner countries in the EU neighbourhood, …
European Investment Bank: European Investment Bank Group Sustainability Report 2021
Over the last years, the European Investment Bank Group has shown that fighting COVID-19, financing the recovery, and investing in climate action and environmental sustainability are mutually support …
European Investment Bank: EIB Group activities in EU cohesion regions in 2021
As part of the EIB Group's bigger, bolder and more focused approach to cohesion, this report, the first in a new series, presents the EIB Group's activities in EU cohesion regions in 2021. …
European Investment Bank: Finance in Africa
Banks in Africa are weathering the COVID-19 pandemic well and showing a lot of creativity to overcome the crisis’s problems. But the war in Ukraine is causing new concerns. With interest rates rising …
European Investment Bank: EIB Investment Survey 2022 – European Union overview
This unique insight into the corporate investment landscape in the European Union examines companies' finance needs and the constraints they face. The 2022 edition delves into the aftermath of t …
Mary Aiken: Life in Cyberspace
Internet is a real place. Every time we switch on our computers, use a program or an application, or log in to a social media site, we enter a virtual space made up of worlds, domains, forums and roo …
Éva Gerőházi & Iván Tosics: Győr: How to compete with capital cities
Located between three European capital cities, Győr has to work hard to attract investment and jobs. The Hungarian city has set itself up to attract innovative companies, creating new urban values su …
Emma Björner & Olof Zetterberg: Stockholm: The Tale of the Unicorn Factory
Once upon a time there was a city in a cold place a long way to the north. One day the city started to tell a story about itself. As the chapters unfolded, life in the city changed, and soon it didn& …
Fatih Birol: A bright future
There are two ways to look at renewable energy today. On the one hand, falling costs and strong policies are promoting the rapid spread of solar energy and wind power all across the world. Solar powe …
European Investment Bank: Resilient Africa: Opportunities for action
Africa's dynamic population, new technologies and potential for growth hold exciting opportunities for the whole region. The European Investment Bank plans to mobilise €100 million in investment …
European Investment Bank: Climate Solutions
Climate change is the biggest threat humanity faces. So big, in fact, that it is sometimes hard to know what each of us, as individuals, can do to counter it. Climate Solutions details the challenges …
European Investment Bank: European Investment Bank Group Activity Report 2022
Our flagship report shows how the European Investment Bank stepped up to the challenges of 2022. From our ongoing work rebuilding Ukraine’s damaged towns and cities and our support for refugees, to o …
European Investment Bank: Investment Report 2022/2023 – Key Findings
Political strife caused by the war in Ukraine, an energy crisis and tightening credit are hitting EU firms just as they were beginning to emerge from the COVID-19 crisis. While the pandemic was a maj …
European Investment Bank: The Economic Appraisal of Investment Projects at the EIB – 2nd Edition
The EIB performs economic appraisals of the projects it considers for investment. Thereby, it ensures that projects add sufficient value to society to merit support. Beyond considerations of financia …
European Investment Bank: EIB Global Report 2022/2023 — The impact
Building on decades of experience working in Europe's neighbourhood, in Africa and around the world, under EU mandates and in support of EU policy priorities, EIB Global brings together all the …
European Investment Bank: What drives firms’ investment in climate action?
High energy prices in Europe and uncertainty caused by the Ukraine war are testing EU firms’ ability to invest in climate change measures. Europe urgently needs to embrace the transition to green ene …
European Investment Bank: Cutting plastics pollution
Plastics are essential materials that underpin the functioning of our modern economy. However, waste plastics are also an increasing threat to our natural environment. The authors of this report set …
European Investment Bank: Digitalisation in Europe 2022-2023
The European Union is closing the digital gap with the United States. More than half of European firms invested in digitalisation during the COVID-19 pandemic, and they are rapidly catching up with t …
European Investment Bank: EIB Global Report 2022/2023 — The story
The European Investment Bank plants the seeds for many future success stories. Now another seed has been planted: EIB Global, the EIB's development arm, which began operating in 2022. This repor …
European Investment Bank: EIB Group activity in EU cohesion regions 2022
This report analyses the EIB Group's activity in cohesion regions in 2022. This year's edition focuses on the Group's contribution towards innovation for an inclusive, green and digita …
European Investment Bank: Finance in Africa
The Finance in Africa report emphasises the challenges faced by the African banking sector — including the impact of recent shocks, such as the COVID-19 crisis and Russia's invasion of Ukraine — …
European Investment Bank: EIB Investment Survey 2023 – European Union overview
This unique insight into the corporate investment in the European Union examines companies' finance needs and the constraints they face. The 2023 edition also provides insight into the pressing …
European Investment Bank: Investment barriers in the European Union 2023
Discover key insights from the Investment barriers report 2023, an authoritative assessment by the European Investment Bank Group on investment hurdles in the European Union. The report underscores t …
European Investment Bank: EIB Group Activity Report 2023
A blueprint presents drawings, dimensions and notes. This report draws vivid pictures of the beneficiaries of European Investment Bank projects in 2023. It includes data on the dimensions of our mass …
European Investment Bank: EIB Investment Report 2023/2024 – Key Findings
The European economy is under pressure. Growth is slowing and competitive challenges are rising, all while EU firms navigate the demands of the green transition. Coordinated support from national gov …
European Investment Bank: EIB Global Impact Report 2023/2024
Covering EIB Global's activities in 2023, this annual report shows how these activities are aligned with EU priorities and initiatives in different regions. It details the results and impact ach …
European Investment Bank: Priorities for prosperity: The EIB Group 2024 Activity Report
People and businesses expect Europe to support investments for the future. Investments that improve lives. Investments that reinforce security and offer new opportunities. In 2024, the EIB Group unve …