Nanomedicines and nanopharmacology is a rapidly developing and evolving field with new techniques and applications under constant development. This book will provide an overview of the chemistry of nanocarrier design and the considerations that need to be made when developing a nanomedicine. Providing an understanding of the relationship of nanocarrier, drug and targetting moieties and physico-chemical properties, this title will provide an accurate and current representation of the field by addressing the promises, prospects and pitfalls of nanomedicine. Covering a wide range of areas in detail, this book will provide an excellent companion for medicinal chemists, pharmacologists and biochemists working in industry or academia.
Design Considerations for Properties of Nanocarriers on the Disposition and Efficiency of Drug and Gene Delivery; Targeting Cyclins and Cyclin-Dependent Kinases Involved in Cell Cycle Regulation by RNAi as a Potential Cancer Therapy; Nanoparticle carriers to overcome biological barriers to si RNA delivery; Magnetic targeting as a vehicle for delivery of nanomedicines; Development of Theranostics – Imaging Considerations and Targeted Drug Delivery; The Role of Imaging in Nanomedicine Development and Clinical Translation; Anticancer agent-incorporating polymeric micelles: from bench to bedside; Polymeric Nanoparticles and Cancer: Lessons Learnt from CRLX101; Nanodelivery Strategies in Breast Cancer Chemotherapy; Developing a Predictable Regulatory Path for Nanomedicines by Accurate and Objective Particle Measurement; Nanomedicine: Promises and Challenges; The Challenge of Regulating Nanomedicine: Key Issues; Doxil® – The First FDA-Approved Nano-Drug: From Basics via CMC, Cell Culture and Animal Studies to Clinical Use