This indispensable course text and practitioner resource, now fully revised, has helped tens of thousands of readers implement evidence-based interventions to improve students’ academic achievement and behavior in Pre K–12. The volume presents best-practice guidelines and step-by-step procedures for 83 interventions that can easily be implemented by teachers and other school-based professionals. It is a go-to book for those working in a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) or response-to-intervention (RTI) framework. User-friendly features include recommended print and online resources and 10 reproducible forms. Purchasers get access to a webpage where they can download and print the reproducible materials in a convenient 8 1/2′ x 11′ size.
New to This Edition:
*Updated throughout to reflect current research-based best practices.
*20 new interventions.
*Chapter on important skills for intervention success.
*The intensity of each intervention (classwide, small-group, and/or individual) is now specified.
*Behavior chapter has been reorganized for easier use.
*Downloadable reproducible tools.
I. The Intervention Assistance Approach to Improving Student Outcomes
1. Introduction
2. Using Evidence-Based Interventions to Enhance Student Outcomes
3. Important Skills for Intervention Success
II. Evidence-Based School Interventions
4. Interventions to Improve Academic Performance
5. Interventions to Improve Social Behavior
6. Interventions to Improve Outcomes for Preschool Children
Matthew K. Burns, Ph D, is The Rose and Irving Fein Endowed Professor of Special Education at the University of Florida and Assistant Director of the University of Florida Literacy Institute. He is a past editor of
School Psychology Review and
Assessment for Effective Intervention. Dr. Burns’s research focuses on the use of assessment data to determine individual or small-group interventions. A coauthor of the Path to Reading Excellence in School Sites (PRESS) reading intervention program, he has published over 210 articles, book chapters, and books.
T. Chris Riley-Tillman, Ph D, is Professor and Chair of the Department of Educational, School and Counseling Psychology at the University of Missouri–Columbia. He is a senior advisor for the National Center on Intensive Intervention and the creator and lead developer of the Evidence Based Intervention Network, a nonprofit website that features evidence-based intervention and assessment resources for educational professionals. Dr. Riley-Tillman has published over 100 articles and 6 books focusing on evidence-based practice in schools and is editor of The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series. He is a Fellow of Division 16 (School Psychology) of the American Psychological Association and a member of the Society for the Study of School Psychology.
Natalie Rathvon, Ph D, now retired, was Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychology at The George Washington University, where she supervised graduate students in school-based placements. A former teacher, guidance director, counselor educator, and psychologist in private practice, she has provided consultation and professional development to schools and agencies in assessment and accountability, reading, problem-solving teams, and school interventions. Dr. Rathvon has published several books for professionals and parents.