Sugar Detox : Sugar Detox Program To Naturally Cleanse Your Sugar Craving , Lose Weight and Feel Great In Just 15 Days Or Less! is a program designed to be easily incorporated into our busy schedule while providing all the practical tools necessary to support and rejuvenate our bodies. The effect is transformative: nagging health problems will suddenly disappear, extra weight will drop away, and for the first time in our lives, we will experience what it truly means to feel healthy. Includes: o New Recipes o 15 Day Meal Plan o Dermal detox o Sugar Addiction Quiz o How to Kick Sugar addiction for Life
Samantha Michaels has written on a myriad of topics which have all sold quite successfully and now she has opted to focus on preparing great information on various important diets in the marketplace. Samantha is aware that the numerous diets create confusion among consumers and is striving to boil down the essence of each diet to its core principles and educate readers of the pros and cons of each diet. Each book will detail the key features of the diet and how the reader can implement them in their real life in order to achieve their weight loss aspiration. It was well received by her clients.