The essays in this volume pay tribute to the distinguished career of Professor R.F. Yeager. Appropriately for one who has done so much to advance scholarship and critical debate on this poet, they focus on John Gower. The approaches taken range widely, from poetics to palaeography, from close critical interpretation to ecocriticism, offering important new readings of Gower and his age. Particular topics addressed include Gower’s revisions to the
Tale of Rosiphilee; theological and philosophical positions within Gower’s work; the violence of manuscript images of
Confessio Amantis; and the views of a fellow poet on Gower – Edward Thomas.
SUSANNAH MARY CHEWNING is Senior Professor of English, Union County College. Contributors: Stephanie Batkie, Susannah Mary Chewning, Martha Driver, A.S.G. Edwards, Andrew Galloway, Brian Gastle, Richard Firth Green, Natalie Grinnell, Matthew Irvin, Michael Kuczynski, Roger Ladd, Peter Nicholson, Derek Pearsall, Russell A. Peck, David Roberts, William Rogers
Introduction – Susannah Chewning
Edward Thomas on Gower – A S G Edwards
The Sutherland Fragment of Gower’s
Confessio Amantis – Derek Pearsall
Incarnational Making in
Vox Clamantis II – Stephanie L. Batkie and Matthew W. Irvin
Patriarchy, Family and Law in Gower’s
Confessio Amantis – Russell Peck
Gower’s Ballades for Women – Peter Nicholson
John Gower and the Artists of M. 126 – Martha W. Driver
Gower in Striped Sleeves:
Mirour de l’Omme as Gower’s Early Humanism – Andrew Galloway
What’s in a Name? History, Genre, and Political Speech in Gower’s
Chronica Tripertita – David A. Roberts
Studies in Gower’s Age: Ciceronian Echoes in
Confessio Amantis – William Rogers
Gower’s Light: the Ecology of ‘De Lucis scrutino’ – Natalie Grinnell
Gower, Chaucer, and the ‘Treuthe of Prestehode’ – Michael Kuczynski
‘To Hear an Old Man Sing’: Apollonius, Pericles, and the Age of Gower – Roger A. Ladd
The Constraints of Justice in Gower’s ‘Lawyerly Habit of Mind’ – Brian Gastle
A Poet at Work: John Gower’s Revisions to the
Tale of Rosiphilee – Richard Firth Green
A Personal Tribute to Robert F. Yeager – Susannah Chewning
Bibliography of R. F. Yeager’s Writings
General Bibliography
SUSANNAH MARY CHEWNING is Senior Professor of English, Union County College.