Achieve high performance for all in your school. In Achieving Equity and Excellence, author Douglas Reeves outlines how to make dramatic improvements to student learning, behavior, and attendance in a single semester. Study the mindset of high-poverty, high-success schools and follow their example to implement the equitable and just practices necessary to make student success a sustainable reality.
Use this resource to empower students, teachers, and administrators:
Achieve high performance for all in your school. In Achieving Equity and Excellence, author Douglas Reeves outlines how to make dramatic improvements to student learning, behavior, and attendance in a single semester. Study the mindset of high-poverty, high-success schools and follow their example to implement the equitable and just practices necessary to make student success a sustainable reality.
Use this resource to empower students, teachers, and administrators:
- Study the landmark research on the practices of high-performing, high-poverty schools, and discover updated research showing how these results can be applied.
- Discover what high-poverty schools do differently to achieve high performance, and learn how to implement these strategies in your classroom.
- Transform any school into an effective and productive school through learner-centered teaching.
- Learn the importance of action during the change process and why action must come before belief to implement equitable teaching practices.
- Explore effective accountability systems, the different levels of accountability, and how these systems should be implemented to meet the needs of diverse learners.
About the Author
Part I: Discovering When to Trust Educational Research
Chapter 1: Understand the Five Levels of Educational Research
Chapter 2: Decide Which Research to Trust
Part II: Understanding What Equity and Excellence Schools Do Differently
Chapter 3: Organize Their School or District as a Professional Learning Community
Chapter 4: Display a Laser-Like Focus on Student Achievement
Chapter 5: Conduct Collaboration Scoring
Chapter 6: Emphasize Nonfiction Writing
Chapter 7: Utilize Frequent Formative Assessment With Multiple Opportunities for Success
Chapter 8: Perform Constructive Data Analysis
Chapter 9: Engage in Cross-Disciplinary Units of Instruction
Part III: Applying the Research in Your Schools
Chapter 10: Discover the Equity and Excellence Mindset
Chapter 11: Change Behavior Before Belief
Chapter 12: Transform Vision Into Action Through Teacher Leadership
Chapter 13: Improve Coaching, Feedback, and Evaluation
Part IV: Creating Accountability in an Equity and Excellence System
Chapter 14: Establish Accountability as a Learning System
Chapter 15: Enact System-Level Accountability
Chapter 16: Enact School- and Department-Level Accountability
Chapter 17: Explain the Story Behind the Numbers
Epilogue: Giant Leaps, Not Baby Steps
References and Resources