Are you writing your first book? Or are you thinking about writing it?
Do you have any idea what you’re getting into?
No? Let’s talk about it
Most aspiring authors concentrate on writing the book to the exclusion of all else. However, the reality is that creating a book is a long-term, multi-phase project and writing it is only one facet of the project.
The complete project involves five separate phases:
- Planning the book
- Writing the book
- Publishing the book
- Marketing the book
- Author business issues
Unfortunately, planning and writing a book does nothing to prepare the author for the other phases of the project. The only commonality between the phases is that they are about a single book.
Another difficulty with the creative project is that almost all information on the process only discusses one phase of it.
Until now. Creating Your First Book covers all five phases. It is written by an author who has gone through the project over two dozen times.
Creating Your First Book provides a road map to get you through the process without losing your sanity.
Про автора
Hank Quense has written three series of humorous novels. One is Gundarland, a fantasy world. The second is Princess Moxie which takes place in rather unusual Camelot and the third is Zaftan Troubles, a scifi series. His nonfiction work include books on fiction writing, self-publishing and book marketing. Hank also lectures on these topics.He lives in northern New Jersey. He has two daughters and five grandchildren all of whom live a few towns away from him.