Introduction: Telling Queer Stories of Conflict – Jamie J. Hagen, Samuel Ritholtz, Andrew Delatolla
Part 1: Queer Approaches to Conflict Research
1. The ‘Queer’ in Conflict Research As Subject, Structure, and Method: Initial Epistemological Considerations for the Early Career Researcher – Samuel Ritholtz
2. Queering the Politics of Knowledge in Conflict Research – Jose Fernando Serrano Amaya
3. Workshop As Queer Feminist Praxis: Insights From Colombian Queer and Trans Women Organising for Peace – Jamie J. Hagen
Part 2: Queer Methods of Conflict Research
4. The Visual As Queer Method – Dean Cooper-Cunningham
5. Poetry as a Queer Epistemological Method: Disrupting Knowledge of the Lebanese Civil War With Etel Adnan’s the Arab Apocalypse – Andrew Delatolla
6. Queer Tools for the Ruthless Archive: Methodological Notes on Trans and Queer History for Doing Archival Research – Patricio Simonetto
Part 3: Queer Experiences of Conflict Research
7. Researching Queer Lives in the Shadow of Northeast Nigeria’s Conflict – Chitra Nagarajan
8. Entangled Intimacies, Queer Attachments: Reflections on Fieldwork With a Diaspora of War – Ahmad Qais Munhazim
9. Doing NGO Research With Diverse Sogiesc Refugees in Lebanon, Syria and Turkey: A Conversation – Zeynep Pınar Erdem, Charbel Maydaa, Henri Myrttinen and Helena Berchtold
Conclusion: Thinking (of) Queer Conflict Research – Laura Sjoberg
Appendix I: Guide for Good Practices for Researching Queer and Trans Communities in Highly Sensitive Contexts – Cristian González Cabrera, Erin Kilbride, Kyle Knight, Yasemin Smallens, Rasha Younes
Appendix II: “The Emotional Work Is Part of the Work”: Strategies To Maintain Researcher Emotional and Psychological Safety During Challenging Fieldwork – Maureen Freed