Expectations of a technological revolution are associated with nanotechnology, and indeed the generation, modification and utilization of objects with tiniest dimensions already permeates science and research in a way that the absence of nanotechnology is no longer conceivable. It has progressed to an independent interdisciplinary field, its great success due to the purposeful combination of physical, mechanical and molecular techniques.
This book starts out with the most important fundamentals of microtechnology and chemistry on which the understanding of shaping nanoscale structures are based, then a variety of examples illustrate the fabrication of nanostructures from different materials. Subsequently, methods for characterization of the generated structures are presented to the reader.
Through this fascinating introduction, both scientists and engineers gain insights into the ‘other side’ of nanotechnology.
1. Introduction .
1.1 The Way into the Nanoworld.
1.1.1 From Micro- to Nanotechniques.
1.1.2 Definition of Nanostructures.
1.1.3 Insight into the Nanoworld.
1.2 Building Blocks of Nanotechnology.
1.3 Interactions and Topology.
1.4 The Microscopic Environment of the Nanoworld.
2. Molecular Basics .
2.1 Particles and Bonds.
2.1.1 Chemical Bonds in Nanotechnology.
2.1.2 Van der Waals Interactions.
2.1.3 Dipole-Dipole Interactions.
2.1.4 Ionic Interactions.
2.1.5 Metal Bonds.
2.1.6 Covalent Bonds.
2.1.7 Coordinative Bonds.
2.1.8 Hydrogen Bridge Bonds.
2.1.9 Polyvalent Bonds.
2.2 Chemical Structure.
2.2.1 Bonding Topologies.
2.2.2 Building Blocks of Covalent Architecture.
2.2.3 Units for a Coordinated Architecture.
2.2.4 Building Blocks for Weakly Bound Aggregates.
2.2.5 Assembly of Complex Structures through the Internal Hierarchy of Binding Strengths.
2.2.6 Reaction Probability and Reaction Equilibrium.
3. Microtechnological Foundations.
3.1 Planar Technology.
3.2 Preparation of Thin Layers.
3.2.1 Condition and Preprocessing of the Substrate Surface.
3.2.2 Layer Deposition from the Gas Phase.
3.2.3 Evaporation.
3.2.4 Sputtering.
3.2.5 Chemical Vapor Deposition.
3.2.6 Galvanic Deposition.
3.2.7 Deposition by Spinning (Spin Coating).
3.2.8 Shadow-mask Deposition Techniques.
3.3 Preparation of Ultrathin Inorganic Layers and Surface-bound Nanoparticles.
3.3.1 Ultrathin Layers by Vacuum Deposition Processes.
3.3.2 Deposition of Ultrathin Films from the Liquid Phase.
3.3.3 In Situ Generation of Ultrathin Inorganic Films by Chemical Surface Modification.
3.3.4 In Situ Formation of Ultrathin Inorganic Layers on Heteroorganic Materials.
3.3.5 Immobilization of Nanoparticles.
3.3.6 In Situ Formation of Inorganic Nanoparticles.
3.4 Structure Generation and Fabrication of Lithographic Masks.
3.4.1 Adhesive Mask Techniques.
3.4.2 Role of Resist in Photolithography.
3.4.3 Serial Pattern Transfer.
3.4.5 Maskless Structure Generation.
3.4.6 Soft Lithography.
3.5 Etching Processes.
3.5.1 Etching Rate and Selectivity.
3.5.2 Isotropic and Anisotropic Etching Processes.
3.5.3 Lithographic Resolution in Etching Processes.
3.5.4 Dry Etching Processes.
3.5.6 High-resolution Dry Etching Techniques.
3.5.7 Choice of Mask for Nanolithographic Etching Processes.
3.6 Packaging.
3.7 Biogenic and Bioanalogue Molecules in Technical Microstructure.
4. Preparation of Nanostructures.
4.1 Principles of Fabrication.
4.1.1 Subtractive and Additive Creation of Nanostructures.
4.1.2 Nanostructure Generation by Lift-off Processes.
4.1.3 Principles of Nanotechnical Shape-definition and Construction.
4.2 Nanomechanical Structure Generation.
4.2.1 Scaling Down of Mechanical Processing Techniques.
4.2.2 Local Mechanical Cutting Processes.
4.2.3 Surface Transport Methods.
4.2.4 Reshaping Processes.
4.2.5 Printing Processes.
4.3 Nanolithography.
4.3.1 Structure Transfer by Electromagnetic Radiation.
4.3.2 Nanolithographic Transfer of Groups of Elements by Optical Projection.
4.3.3 EUV and X-ray Lithography.
4.3.4 Multilayer Resists Techniques with Optical Pattern Transfer.
4.3.5 Near-field Optical Structure Techniques with Contact masks.
4.3.6 Energetic Particles in Nanolithographic Structure Transfer.
4.3.7 Electron Beam Lithography.
4.3.8 Ion Beam Lithography.
4.3.9 Atomic Beam Lithography.
4.3.10 Molecular and Nanoparticle Beam Lithography.
4.3.11 Direct Writing of Structures by a Particle Beam.
4.3.12 Single-particle Beam Processes.
4.3.13 Nanofabrication by Self-structuring Masks.
4.4 Nanofabrication by Scanning Probe Techniques.
4.4.1 Scanning Force Probes.
4.4.2 Particle Manipulation With a Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM).
4.4.3 Thermo-mechanical Writing of Nanostructures.
4.4.4 Electrically Induced Structure Generation by Scanning Probe Techniques.
4.4.5 Chemical Electrodeless Induced Scanning Probe Structure Generation.
4.4.6 Nanostructure Generation by Optical Near-field Probes.
5. Nanotechnical Structures.
5.1 Inorganic Solids.
5.1.1 Influence of Material Morphology on Nanoscale Pattern Processes.
5.1.2 Inorganic Dielectrics.
5.1.3 Metals.
5.1.4 Semiconductors.
5.1.5 Carbon.
5.2 Organic Solids and Layer Structures.
5.2.1 Solids Composed of Smaller Molecules.
5.2.2 Organic Monolayer and Multilayer Stacks.
5.2.3 Synthetic Organic Polymers.
5.2.4 Biopolymers.
5.3 Molecular Monolayer and Layer Architectures.
5.3.1 Langmuir-Blodgett Films.
5.3.2 Self-assembled Surface Films.
5.3.3 Binding of Molecules on Solid Substrate Surfaces.
5.3.4 Secondary Coupling of Molecular Manolayers.
5.3.5 Categories of Molecular Layers.
5.3.6 Molecular Coupling Components (Linkers) and Distance Components (Spacers).
5.3.7 Definition of Binding Spots on Solid Substrates.
5.4 Architectures with Single Molecules.
5.4.1 Single Molecules as Nanostructures.
5.4.2 Strategic of Molecular Construction.
5.4.3 Biogenic and Bioanalogous Nanoarchitectures.
5.4.4 DNA Nanoarchitectures.
5.4.5 Synthetic Supramolecules.
5.4.6 Nanoparticles and Nanocompartments.
5.5 Combination of Molecular Architectures and Nanoparticles with Planar Technical Structures.
6. Characterization of Nanostructures .
6.1 Geometrical Characterization.
6.1.1 Layer Thickness and Vertical Structure Dimensions.
6.1.2 Lateral Dimensions.
6.1.3 Structures that Assist Measurement.
6.2 Characterization of Composition of Layers and Surfaces.
6.2.1 Atomic Composition.
6.2.2 Characterization of the Chemical Surface.
6.3 Functional Characterization of Nanostructures.
7. Nanotransducers.
7.1 Design of Nanotransducers.
7.2 Nanomechanical Elements.
7.2.1 Nanomechanical Sensors.
7.2.2 Nanometer-precision Position Measurements with Conventional Techniques.
7.2.3 Electrically Controlled Nanoactuators.
7.2.4 Chemically Driven Nanoactuators.
7.2.5 Regidity of Nanoactuators.
7.3 Nanoelectronic Devices.
7.3.1 Electrical Contacts and Nanowires.
7.3.2 Nanostructured Tunneling Barriers.
7.3.3 Quantum Dots and Localization of Elementary Particles.
7.3.4 Nanodiodes.
7.3.5 Electron Islands and Nanotransistors.
7.3.6 Nanoswitches, Molecular Switches and Logic Elements.
7.4 Nanooptical Devices.
7.4.1 Nanostructures as Optical Sensors.
7.4.2 Nanostructured Optical Actuators.
7.4.3 Nanooptical Switching and Conversion Elements.
7.5 Magnetic Nanotransducers.
7.6 Chemical Nanoscale Sensors and Actuators.
8. Techncial Nanosystems.
8.1 What are Nanosystems?
8.2 Systems and Nanocomponents.
8.3 Entire Systems with Nanometer Dimensions.
Table of Examples.
Про автора
Michael Köhler is Professor of Physical Chemistry and Micro-reaction Technology at the Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany, since 2001 and at the same time Visiting Scientist at the Institute for Physical High Technology (IPHT) in Jena, also Germany. His research work concerns chip-based reaction technology, with interests focusing around molecular nanotechnology such as biotechnical microprocesses and DNA nanoparticle adducts.
He studied chemistry in Halle an der Saale and Jena, obtaining his diploma in 1981. After completing his Ph.D. on electrochemical effects in microlithography, he worked from 1986 to 1990 as project leader at the Institute of Physical Technology of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR, researching into submicrometre lithography. After the reunification of Germany, he visited the Max Planck Institute of Nutritional Physiology in Dortmund. In 1991, he returned to Jena to join the IPHT as group leader for microstructuring, taking over the department for microsystem technology in 1994. Parallel to these appointments, in 1992 he completed his habilitation in general and physical chemistry, giving lectures as Wuppertal University and serving from 1993 on as lecturer at the Friedrich-Schiller Universität in Jena for microlithography, microsystem technology and nanotechnology.
Wollfgang Fritzsche heads the Biotechnical Microsystems Department at the Institute for Physical High Technology (IPHT) in Jena, Germany, since 2001. His research interests are molecular nanotechnology such as single molecule (DNA) characterization and manipulation, nanoparticle-DNA complexes, and bioanalytics. He obtained his diploma from the Friedrich-Schiller-University (FSU) Jena, then went on to research work on AFM of DNA-protein complexes at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, receiving his Ph.D. degree in physical chemistry from the George-August-University in Göttingen. Dr. Fritzsche then left Germany for a postdoc position at Iowa State University, USA, working there from 1994 to 1996 on biological AFM and image processing. He returned to Jena to join the IPHT as researcher.