Scott Donaldson,
Stanley Siegel and Gary Donaldson interview many of the world’s most influential chief technology officers in
CTOs at Work, offering a brand-new companion volume to the highly acclaimed elite
At Work books including
Coders at Work,
CIOS at Work and
Venture Capitalists at Work. As the words “at work” suggest, the authors focus on how their interviewees tackle the day-to-day work of the CTO while revealing much more: how they got there, how they manage and allocate projects, and how they interact with business units and ensure that their companies take advantage of technologies, teamwork, and software development practices to respond to organizational needs and improve employee productivity. Surveying a variety of unique corporations,
CTOs at Work offers insights into the present and future of CTOs in organizations around the world.
Other books in the Apress At Work Series:
Coders at Work, Seibel, 978-1-4302-1948-4
Venture Capitalists at Work, Shah & Shah, 978-1-4302-3837-9
CIOs at Work, Yourdon, 978-1-4302-3554-5
Founders at Work, Livingston, 978-1-4302-1078-8
European Founders at Work, Santos, 978-1-4302-3906-2
Women Leaders at Work, Ghaffari, 978-1-4302-3729-7
Advertisers at Work, Tuten, 978-1-4302-3828-7
Gamers at Work, Ramsay. 978-1-4302-3351-0
Про автора
Scott E. Donaldson has more than 30 years of experience managing complex programs (ranging from 10 s of millions to 100 s of millions); expertise in systems development, process improvement, and technical cultural change. He is a Senior Vice President for Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) and is the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for its multi-billion dollar Health, Energy and Civilian Solutions Group. He teaches graduate courses in software engineering, software process improvement, and information technology at Johns Hopkins University, Whiting School of Engineering. He has a B.S., Operations Research from the United States Naval Academy and a M.S., Systems Management from the University of Southern California. Mr. Donaldson co-authored the software engineering books Successful Software Development: Making It Happen, Prentice Hall PTR, 2nd Edition; Successful Software Development: Study Guide, Prentice Hall PTR; and Cultivating Successful Software Development: A Practitioner s View, Prentice Hall PTR. He has contributed to the Encyclopedia of Software Engineering: Project Management Success Factors, CRC Press and the Handbook of Software Quality Assurance: Software Configuration Management A Practical Look, 3rd Edition.