How can text competence be fostered in a more efficient and effective manner? This book is among the first to combine the US-American discourse on this question with the German discourse. The topics covered range from text linguistic foundations via text comprehension and comprehensibility to text production, writing skills development and writing in a second or foreign language. Students interested in writing research will be introduced to the pertinent models and theories. Writing instructors, writing centre staff and subject-domain teachers will find guidance on how to improve their assignments and feedback. University administrators and program coordinators can inform themselves about best-practice approaches to writing instruction and support at different levels ranging from individual courses to central support structures.
Introduction: The objective and scope of this book
Part I: Textlinguistic Foundations
1Basic concepts
1.1Text linguistics and text
Part II: Text Comprehension and Text Comprehensibility
2Levels of text processing
2.1The legibility of texts
2.2The readability of texts
2.3Text comprehension as a constructive process
3Text processing from a cognitive-science perspective
3.1Propositional models of text processing
3.2The structure of the human mind
3.3The model of cyclic processing
3.4Network models
3.5Semantic macro-structures
3.6Schema-theoretical approaches
3.7The theory of mental models
3.8Levels of comprehension
3.9Concluding remarks
4Text processing from the perspective of instructional psychology
4.1The Hamburg psychologists’ empirical inductive approach
4.2Groeben’s theoretical deductive approach
4.3The Karlsruhe comprehensibility concept
5Methods of comprehensibility assessment
5.1Target-group-focused methods of comprehensibility assessment
Part III: Text Production
6Writing (process) models
6.1Hayes & Flower’s (1980) writing process model
6.2Hayes’ (1996) writing process model
6.3Cooper & Matsuhashi’s (1983) writing process model
6.4Günther’s (1993) phrase-oriented production system (POPS)
6.5Bereiter & Scardamalia’s (19987) models of beginners’ and advanced writers’ composing processes
6.6An instruction-oriented writing process model
7Writing competence development models
7.1Writing development stages according to Bereiter (1980)
7.2Kellogg’s (2008) macro-stages of writing competence development
7.3Mc Cutchens’ s (1996) capacity theory of writing (development)
7.4Writing competence development from the perspective of dynamic systems theory
7.5Academic writing competence development from a corpus-linguistic product-oriented perspective
7.6Alexander’s (2003) Model of Domain Learning
7.7The bioecological model of human development and its implications for modelling writing competence development
Part IV: Writing Instruction
8Best-practice approaches to writing instruction
8.1A theoretical framework for literacy pedagogy: multiliteracies
8.2Teaching for transfer
8.3Approaches to writing instruction at the macro-level
8.4Approaches to writing instruction at the meso-level
8.5Approaches to writing instruction at the micro-level
8.6Writing-intensive seminars and the role of the teacher207
8.7Assignments for writing courses and writing-intensive seminars
8.8Giving feedback
Part V: L1 vs. L2 writing
9Writing in the L1 vs. writing in the L2
9.1Differences between writing in the L1 and the L2
9.2Translation into the L2 vs. composing in the L2
9.3Translation from the L1 as a subprocess of writing in the L2
9.4An explanatory model of EFL writing ability
9.5Quality losses in L2 writing and the potential role of translation for writing instruction, text quality improvement and epistemic purposes
9.6L2 writing pedagogy