Helping teachers move beyond fluency as measured by speed alone, this book focuses on building the skills that students need to read accurately, meaningfully, and expressively–the essential components of reading comprehension. Each concise chapter presents a tried-and-true instructional or assessment strategy and shows how K-12 teachers can apply it in their own classrooms, using a wide variety of engaging texts. Special features include classroom examples, ‘Your Turn’ activities, and 24 reproducible forms, in a large-size format for easy photocopying. Purchasers also get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials.
1. Introduction: Fluency at the Core of Effective Literacy Instruction, Timothy Rasinski and Nancy Padak I. Modeling Fluency for Students2. Modeling Fluent Reading through Read-Alouds, Denise N. Morgan 3. Increasing Students’ Metafluency Awareness: An Integral Part of Teaching Fluency, D. Ray Reutzel II. Assisted Reading Strategies4. Whole-Class Choral Reading, David Paige 5. Paired Reading, Timothy Rasinski and Nancy Padak6. Audio-Assisted Reading, Kristine E. Pytash and Kaybeth Calabria III. Phrasing Strategies7. Fluency through Phrasing: High-Frequency Words, Maryann Mraz and Melissa Sykes8. Teaching Phrasing through the Phrased Text Lesson, James Nageldinger IV. Deep and Wide Reading Practice 9. Repeated Readings through Readers Theatre, Chase J. Young 10. Podcasting Approaches to Fluency Instruction, Sheri Vasinda and Julie Mc Leod 11. Writing Readers Theatre Scripts, Kristie Miner 12. Authentic Repeated Reading through Poetry and Song, Lori Wilfong 13. Invoking Walter Cronkite: Radio Reading and the Fluent Reader, Allison L. Baer 14. Increasing Reading Volume: The Million-Minute Reading Challenge, Timothy Rasinski and Nancy Padak V. Integrated Fluency Models for Beginning and Struggling Students15. Implementing the Fluency Development Lesson: An Intervention Model for Struggling Readers, Belinda S. Zimmerman 16. Boosting Fluency of English Language Learners with Music and Poetry Performance Activities, Kristin Lems17. Getting Children Off to a Fast Start in Reading, Terry Kindervater 18. Fluency-Oriented Reading Instruction, Melanie R. Kuhn, Paula J. Schwanenflugel, Katherine A. Dougherty Stahl, Elizabeth B. Meisinger, and Carolyn Groff VI. Other Fluency Issues19. Five-Minute Fluency Active-ities, Brenda Rosler 20. Word Study: The Foundation for Fluency, Timothy Rasinski and Nancy Padak21. Assessing the Fluency of Automaticity, Theresa Duncko22. Assessing Prosody, Nancy Padak and Timothy Rasinski23. Conclusion: Creating a Time for Fluency in Your Reading Program, Nancy Padak and Timothy Rasinski