There are many things that politics is not. Politics is not good or bad; it’s neutral and natural. Politics is not a zero-sum game; politically savvy individuals can use their influence in an effective, authentic manner so that all parties involved get something positive out of the experience. Politics is not about being false; instead, political savvy is about using your skills, behaviors, and qualities to be effective, and sincerity is vital. Use the ideas and exercises in this guidebook to become a more politically savvy leader, and build your capacity to lead effectively in your organization.
7 Rex and the Political Missteps
8 Workplace Politics–A Fact of Life
9 Political Savvy Checklist
12 Developing Effective Political Savvy
Mingle Strategically
Read the Situation
Determine the Appropriate Behavior Before Acting
Leave Them with a Good Impression
23 Conclusion
24 Suggested Readings
24 Background
25 Key Point Summary
Про автора
William A. Gentry and Jean Brittain Leslie are the authors of Developing Political Savvy, published by Wiley.