Through case studies in eight Asian countries, Europe, and the United States, this volume explores the range and consequences of increased mobility within Asia-Pacific higher education and the patterns of migration emerging for persons, ideas, institutions, and practices.
Mục lục
Giving Dimension and Direction to Mobility and Migration in Asian Pacific Higher Education; D.Neubauer PART I:NATIONAL AND REGIONAL TRANSFORMATIONS ON MOBILITY AND MIGRATION IN ASIAN PACIFIC HIGHER EDUCATION Mobility, Markets and Equity in Higher Education: Match or Mismatch?; P.Hershock Learning the Hard Way: Lessons from Australia’s Decade of Innovation in Student Migration Policy; C.Ziguras ‘Shared Space’ in Global Higher Education:A Southeast Asian Perspective; M.Sirat International Mobility of Faculty and its Impacts on Korean Higher Education; Jung-Cheol Shin Changing Structure of Japanese Higher Education in the New Era: Dealing with Globalization, Mobility andthe Massification Movement; R.Yamada Japan’s Approaches toward Strategic Global Alliances in East Asia: Strengthening the Bridge in Higher Education among Nations; Y.Tanaka PART II:INSTITUTIONAL RESPONSES TO MOBILITY AND MIGRATION IN ASIAN PACIFICHIGHER EDUCATION Mobility, Migration, and Globalization in a Major Research University: Gap Between Rhetoric and Reality at UCLA; J.Hawkins Migration and Mobility in the Current Era of Globalization: Case Studies of LSE and Science Po; M.Scot ‘Asianization of Asia’ in Higher Education – A Case of Waseda University; K.Kuroda Constructing a ‘Global University Centered in Asia’: Globalizing Strategies and Experiences at the National University of Singapore; F.Leo Collins Contributions of Foreign Experts to Chinese Academic Development: A Case Study of Peking University; M.Wan-hua International Accreditation and its Impact on Student Mobility in Taiwan Universities – A Case Study of Fu Jen Catholic University; Yung-chi Hou PART III: CONCLUSION Conclusion: Ways forward for Migration and Mobility in Asia Pacific Higher Education; D.Neubauer & K.Kuroda
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Author Deane E. Neubauer: Deane E. Neubauer is Emeritus Professor of Political Science at the University of Hawaii, Manoa, USA and Senior Advisor to the International Forum for Education program at the East-West Center, Honolulu, USA.