Tác giả: Deb Dana

Ủng hộ
Deb Dana, LCSW, is a clinician, consultant, and speaker specializing in complex trauma. She is the leading translator of Dr. Stephen Porges” Polyvagal Theory for both clinical and general audiences, and the best-selling author of Polyvagal Practices,  Polyvagal Card Deck,  The Polyvagal Flip Chart, Polyvagal Exercises for Safety and Connection,  The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy,  and co-editor with Dr. Stephen Porges of Clinical Applications of The Polyvagal Theory. She trains therapists around the world in how to bring a Polyvagal approach into their clinical practice, and also works with agencies and larger systems to explore how to incorporate a Polyvagal perspective. She is founding member of The Polyvagal Institute, a consultant to Khiron Clinics, and an advisor to Unyte. Visit her website at http://rhythmofregulation.com/.

13 Ebooks bởi Deb Dana

Deb Dana: Polyvagal Exercises for Safety and Connection: 50 Client-Centered Practices (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology)
A practical guide to working with the principles of polyvagal theory beyond the therapy session. Deb Dana is the foremost translator of polyvagal theory into clinical practice. Here, in her third boo …
Deb Dana: La teoría polivagal en terapia
Aprender sobre la teoría polivagal es aprender acerca de la ciencia de la seguridad, la ciencia de sentirse lo suficientemente seguros como para enamorarse de la vida y correr el riesgo de vivir. La …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Deb Dana: The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy: Engaging the Rhythm of Regulation (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology)
The polyvagal theory presented in client-friendly language. This book offers therapists an integrated approach to adding a polyvagal foundation to their work with clients. With clear explanations of …
Deb Dana & Stephen W. Porges: Clinical Applications of the Polyvagal Theory: The Emergence of Polyvagal-Informed Therapies (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology)
Innovative clinicians share their experiences integrating Polyvagal Theory into their treatment models. Clinicians who have dedicated their work to bringing the benefits of the Polyvagal Theory to a …
Deb Dana: Polyvagal Flip Chart: Understanding the Science of Safety (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology)
Offers therapists a low tech–high impact, interactive way to explain polyvagal theory to clients. When clients are stuck in the cognitive experience of their story, an explanation of polyvagal theory …
Deb Dana: Der Vagus-Nerv als innerer Anker
Entdecken Sie die Nervenbahnen des Körpers, die zu Ruhe und Sicherheit führen Wir alle kennen Situationen, in denen wir überreagieren. Wir können unser Nervensystem jedoch darauf trainieren, dass es …
tiếng Đức
Deb Dana: Polyvagal Practices: Anchoring the Self in Safety
Bringing the benefits of polyvagal theory to readers through easy-to-implement exercises. Here, for the first time, is a layperson’s explanation of polyvagal theory, an approach to mental health and …
Deb Dana: Anclados
Cuando el funcionamiento interno de nuestra biología es un misterio, nos sentimos a merced de experiencias desconocidas, inexplicables e imprevisibles. Una vez que sabemos cómo funciona nuestro siste …
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DEB DANA: S’ancrer dans la sécurité
No detailed description available for ‘S’ancrer dans la sécurité’. Das E-Book S’ancrer dans la sécurité wird angeboten von EDP Sciences und wurde mit folgenden Begriffen kategorisiert: …
tiếng Pháp
Deb Dana & Courtney Rolfe: Polyvagal Prompts: Finding Connection and Joy through Guided Explorations
Discover the remarkable ways your nervous system works in service of your safety and well-being. Polyvagal Theory, developed by researcher and scientist Dr. Stephen Porges and popularized by therapis …
Deb Dana: Ejercicios polivagales para la seguridad y la conexión
«¿Y si su neurofisiología pudiese contribuir a la seguridad y la conexión?». Ésta es una pregunta que Deb hace a sus clientes al iniciar su viaje terapéutico. Aunque en el Manual diagnóstico y estadí …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Deb Dana: Glimmers Journal: Reflect on the Small Moments That Bring You Joy, Safety, and Connection
From the conceptualizer of glimmers—prompts to help you savor the micromoments of joy and well-being in your day. First coined in Deb Dana’s book Polyvagal Theory in Therapy, “glimmers” are the micro …
Deb Dana: Anchored
‘Deb Dana guides us to understand and befriend our autonomic nervous system, engaging its healing capacities to connect with ourselves and with our social world.’ Gabor Mat ‘Once we know how our nerv …