Tác giả: Georg F. Hoffmann

Ủng hộ
Professor Dr. med. Georg F. Hoffmann, Direktor der Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin der Universität Heidelberg Professor Dr. med. Michael J. Lentze, ehem. Direktor der Universitätskinderklinik,  Bonn Professor Dr. med. Jürgen Spranger, ehem. Direktor der Kinderklinik Mainz Professor Dr. med. Fred Zepp, Direktor der Universitätskinderklinik, Mainz

16 Ebooks bởi Georg F. Hoffmann

Nenad Blau & Georg F. Hoffmann: Physician’s Guide to the Treatment and Follow-Up of Metabolic Diseases
The greatest dif?culty in life is to make knowledge effective, to convert it into practical wisdom. Sir William Osler. The inborn errors of metabolism, as a group of metabolic diseases, are re- tivel …
Georg F. Hoffmann & Johannes Zschocke: Inherited Metabolic Diseases
The explosion of insights in the field of metabolic disease has shed new light on diagnostic as well as treatment options.  ‘Inherited Metabolic Disease – A Clinical Approach’ is written with a …
Georg F. Hoffmann & Michael J. Lentze: Pädiatrie
Bewährt als verlässliches Standardwerk für Kinder- und Jugendärzte in Klinik und Praxis, präsentiert die 4. Auflage lückenlos das gesamte aktuelle Wissen der Pädiatrie in grundlegender Überarbeitung. …
tiếng Đức
Gwendolyn Gramer & Georg F. Hoffmann: Das erweiterte Neugeborenenscreening
Die Autoren belegen anhand zahlreicher Beispiele, dass das Neugeborenenscreening die erfolgreichste Maßnahme zur Sekundärprävention gesundheitlicher Beeinträchtigungen ist. Es ermöglicht bei fast all …
tiếng Đức
Georg F. Hoffmann & Johannes Zschocke: Inherited Metabolic Diseases
This book focuses on clinical presentations that may be caused by inherited metabolic diseases. Its symptom- and system-based approach will help clinicians with and without detailed knowledge of huma …
Johannes Zschocke & Georg F. Hoffmann: Vademecum Metabolicum
Jeder Arzt hat früher oder später mit Patienten zu tun, bei denen eine erbliche Stoffwechselkrankheit vorliegt – oft ein schwieriger Umstand, vor allem in Notfallsituationen, in denen eine rasche, ge …
tiếng Đức
Johannes Zschocke & Georg F. Hoffmann: Vademecum Metabolicum
Immediate access to expert advice … Every so often a physician will be confronted with a patient who has an inborn error of metabolism. This can be a challenging situation, particularly in an emerg …
Johannes Zschocke & Georg F. Hoffmann: Vademecum Metabolicum
<p>Acc&egrave;s imm&eacute;diat &agrave; l&rsquo;avis de l&rsquo;expert …<br />Il arrive fr&eacute;quemment qu&rsquo;un m&eacute;decin soit amen&eacu …
tiếng Pháp
Georg F. Hoffmann & Karl S. Roth: Pediatric Endocrinology and Inborn Errors of Metabolism, Second Edition
The acclaimed clinical guide to managing both pediatric endocrine disorders and inborn errors of metabolism No other text so skillfully blends the disciplines of endocrinology and inborn metabolic di …
Georg F. Hoffmann & Karl S. Roth: Pediatric Endocrinology and Inborn Errors of Metabolism
Fast, crystal-clear guidance on managing both pediatric endocrine disorders and inborn errors of metabolism A Doody’s Core Title for 2011!New England Journal of Medicine Review!"…an inspiring …
Nenad Blau & Georg F Hoffmann: Congenital Neurotransmitter Disorders
Congenital neurotransmitter disorders are nowadays recognized as important causes of severe, progressive encephalopathies mostly of early onset. They are ultraorphan diseases and numerous experiences …
Carlos E Melendez: Nursing Homes
The nation’s 1.5 million nursing home residents are a highly vulnerable population of elderly and disabled individuals for whom remaining at home is no longer feasible. With the aging of the baby boo …
Georg F Hoffmann & William L Nyhan: Atlas of Inherited Metabolic Diseases
In a field where even experts may find that years have elapsed since they last encountered a child with a given disorder, it is essential for the clinician to have a comprehensive source of practical …
Georg F Hoffmann & William L Nyhan: Atlas of Inherited Metabolic Diseases
In a field where even experts may find that years have elapsed since they last encountered a child with a given disorder, it is essential for the clinician to have a comprehensive source of practical …
Nenad Blau & Georg F. Hoffmann: Inherited Disorders of Biogenic Amines: A Practical Guide
Disorders of biogenic amines have been recognized as important causes of severe, progressive encephalopathies mostly of early onset. The past decade has seen immense progress, unravelling of new dise …
Reinhard Berner & Georg F. Hoffmann: Pädiatrie
Bewährt als Standardwerk für Kinder- und Jugendärzte in Klinik und Praxis, präsentiert die 5. Auflage lückenlos das gesamte aktuelle Wissen der Pädiatrie in zwei Bänden. Der Erfahrungsschatz des erwe …
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