Tác giả: Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Ủng hộ
Frank Jakubzik, 1965 in Kassel geboren, lebt mit seiner Familie in Mainz. Neben Prosa veröffentlichte er zahlreiche Übersetzungen. In der edition suhrkamp erschien zuletzt sein hoch gelobter Erzählungsband In der mittleren Ebene (es 2707).

171 Ebooks bởi Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Eugenics and Other Evils
Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. The second par …
Chesterton Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Everlasting Man (Illustrated & Annotated)
Your Special Illustrated & Annotated edition includes: Bibliography of G. K. Chesterton since 1980 – MLA 7th edition format for quick research! 11 brand new line art Chisel Drawings of Chesterton thr …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Man Who Knew Too Much
The Man Who Knew Too Much and other stories (1922) is a book of detective stories by English writer G. K. Chesterton, published in 1922 by Cassell and Company in the United Kingdom, and Harper Brothe …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Heretics and Orthodoxy
G. K. Chesterton’s Heretics was first published in 1905, with Orthodoxy following in 1908.  Chesterton viewed them as companions to one another, as Orthodoxy was written as a response to critici …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Eugenik und andere Übel
Die Debatten um die Reproduktionsmedizin und die Erblichkeit der Intelligenz werfen Fragen auf nach der Kontinuität eugenischer Praktiken, d. h. der Optimierung menschlicher Eigenschaften durch die S …
tiếng Đức
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Wenn ich nur eine einzige Predigt halten könnte …
Nicht erst seit seinem Übertritt zum Katholizismus hatte der ‘Pater-Brown’-Autor Gilbert Keith Chesterton christlichen Glauben zum Thema seiner Essays gemacht. Diesen verteidigte er stets gegen Zweif …
tiếng Đức
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Priester und Detektiv
Die Geschichten um Father Brown beeindrucken immer wieder auf’s Neue. Father Brown (In falscher deutscher Übersetzung: Pater Brown) schaut nicht so sehr auf das Äusserliche eines Verbrechens, sondern …
tiếng Đức
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Ein Pfeil vom Himmel
Die Geschichten um Father Brown beeindrucken immer wieder auf’s Neue. Father Brown (In falscher deutscher Übersetzung: Pater Brown) schaut nicht so sehr auf das Äusserliche eines Verbrechens, sondern …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Der Mann, der Donnerstag war
Der Mann, der Donnerstag war, ist eine politische Satire, die in einer fiktionalen Welt spielt. Ein herrliches Lesevergnügen, das uns Chesterton hier bereitet. …
tiếng Đức
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Menschenskind
Ein Mann lebt, und mit seinem Leben beweist er sich und andern, dass er lebt. Eine Art Gaunergeschichte ohne Gauner zum Schmunzeln. »Das weiß ich nicht«, antwortete Mary leichthin, »es gibt nur zwei …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Der Mann, der Donnerstag war
Eine Nachtmahr und satirische Gesellschaftsphantasie: Anarchie und Ordnung. Was ist richtig? Zwei gegensätzliche Poeten treffen in einem Künstlerviertel Londons aufeinander. Lucien Gregor, der Platzh …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Priester und Detektiv
Pater Brown ist katholischer Pfarrer. Sein Hobby: Er löst Kriminalfälle. Der englische Geistliche versetzt sich in den Täter hinein, als ob er dabei das Verbrechen selbst begehen würde. Ein Stoff der …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Pater Brown Geschichten
Niemand käme wohl auf die Idee Monsieur Dupin oder Sherlock Holmes zu unterschätzen. Chestertons Father Brown hingegen ist unscheinbar, sieht sogar etwas einfältig aus – was ihm immer wieder zum Vort …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Die Paradoxe des Mr. Pond und andere Überspanntheiten
Cape und zerdrückter Hut, Stockdegen und Zigarre.*Er war ein Mann mit Stil.*Und natürlich exzentrisch.*In den letzten Monaten seines Lebens veröffentlichte Gilbert Keith Chesterton monatlich eine Kri …
tiếng Đức
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Menschenskind
Genauso überraschend wie stürmisch dringt ein neuer Pensionsgast in das Leben der dort lebenden Gäste ein. Absonderlich und schrullig ist er und keiner weiß ganz genau wer der neue Gast eigentlich is …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Der Mann, der Donnerstag war
Der Mann, der Donnerstag wa) ist eine politische Satire, die der Phantastischen Literatur zugerechnet werden kann: Ein Komplott anarchistischer Terroristen am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts entwickelt s …
tiếng Đức
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Priester und Detektiv
‘Priester und Detektiv’ ist der erste Band in der bekannten Serie um den Geistlichen und Detektiv Pater Braun. Das E-Book Priester und Detektiv wird angeboten von Jazzybee Verlag und wurde mit folgen …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Napoleon of Notting Hill
Mad, perfectly mad, madder than the immortal tea-party of Alice, is the thought while reading this novel, or satire, or caricature, or allegory, or farce, or joke, or whatever it is, which Mr. Cheste …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Club of Queer Trades
A collection of a half-dozen stories. Only those persons who have contrived some unusual means of earning a livelihood are eligible for membership in the Club of Queer Trades. One member of this club …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Heretics
Mr. Gilbert Chesterton is quite on his own ground in writing essays about about Heretics. Such subjects as Kipling, Shaw, Whistler, H. G. Wells, the new paganism, and the importance of orthodoxy poss …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Man Who Was Thursday
Mr. Chesterton is such a past-master in sophistries and casuistry, such a juggler of paradoxes, such an adept in the arts whereby the brilliant and quick-witted pull the wool over the eyes of their l …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Varied Types
In this volume Mr. Chesterton reprints nearly twenty of the ingenious and brilliant papers which have delighted and puzzled the readers of the London Daily News and Speaker. The subjects are all biog …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Orthodoxy
Chesterton’s characteristics would probably meet with the literary surprise of his life, when, after reading the plain, simple introduction, he would proceed to peruse the pages of Orthodoxy and find …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: All Things Considered
Mr. G. K. Chesterton, as all the world knows by this time, had the courage of his convictions. He would also, if he had his way, have everyone else possess a similar courage. In his collection of eph …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Tremendous Trifles
Mr. Chesterton was unquestionably one of the most brilliant essayists of his days. He is startingly original, for his ideas are always in opposition to those commonly held; but no matter how unheard …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Ball and the Cross
The story begins with a theological discussion in an airship, whose owner, Lucifer, nearly runs it against the ball and the cross which surmount St. Paul’s, London. Here he leaves the other occupant …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: William Blake
William Blake was an English poet, painter, and printmaker. Largely unrecognised during his lifetime, Blake is now considered a seminal figure in the history of the poetry and visual arts of the Roma …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Alarms and Discursions
If Mr. Chesterton had been permitted to have his own way this handful of papers would have been sent out under the title of ‘Gargoyles.’ Perhaps the publisher foresaw horror upon the faces of really …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: What’s wrong with the world?
In this volume Mr. Chesterton has tackled with his customary gaiety of heart and uncanny shrewdness of eye and hand no less a trinity than socialism, woman’s suffrage, and the new education. He begin …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Appreciations and Criticisms of The Works of Charles Dickens
This book may not be, Chesterton says, important as a contribution to history, but it is important as a contribution to biography; as a contribution to the character and the career of the man who wro …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Ballad of the White Horse
Gilbert K. Chesterton has kept his finest energies for fashioning the verses and symbolism of this ballad-epic — the story of King Alfred and the Danes. The London Nation said of the book: ‘We are ce …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Innocence of Father Brown
With Father Brown the author has entered upon a new literary field in a series of detective stories. Strange to say, his hero is not a Sherlock Holmes or a Lecoq, but a gentle little parish priest wh …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Manalive
A fanciful and altogether delightful tale of the doings of Innocent Smith, who reminds himself by every possible shock to the intellect that he is a man alive, walking on two legs. The story is reple …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: A Miscellany of Men
Every new volume of Chesterton’s essays seems more brilliant, breezily humorous, and astonishingly clever than the last. Nor must one hastily conclude that the author is not profound because he is co …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Flying Inn
The Flying Inn may be briefly characterised as a narrative comic opera. It follows the Gilbertian formula of satirising actual anomalies by carrying them out quite logically to burlesque extremes; an …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Wisdom of Father Brown
The small Catholic priest at his best again! ‘The Wisdom of Father Brown’ is full of tales of crime and discovery, clues and false leads and all the rest of the thrilling material which will make any …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Crimes of England
Brilliant, political, historical, social, and topical literary essays. A list of England’s crimes is furnished, but they are not those of which she was accused by the Germans. Among the best chapters …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Book of Job
THE Book of Job is among the other Old Testament Books both a philosophical riddle and a historical riddle. Controversy has long raged about which parts of this epic belong to its original scheme and …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Utopia of Usurers
Characteristically brilliant and daring essays on sociological subjects in which is depicted the Utopia of the hard-headed business man, capitalists, and the millionaires who will arrange their own p …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: A Short History of England
Chesterton, in his unimitable way, remarks that ‘the only way to write a popular history is to write it backwards.’ This is somewhat the method he employs in his book, ‘A Short History of England, ‘ …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Irish Impressions
In this collection of papers the author, in his characteristically discursive fashion, gives his impressions of the Irish character as an almost paradoxical combination of visionary dreamer and pract …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Superstition of Divorce
‘The Superstition of Divorce’ stroke a timely note in treating of this difficult subject with logic and a clear exposition of the historical background of the institution of marriage! Witty and epigr …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The New Jerusalem
The Zionists have often spoken about the hoped-for Jewish homeland in Palestine becoming a center whence would emanate, as of old, great ideas and ideals. Such a radiation has already begun, but it i …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Man Who Knew Too Much
Everyone who was not born a duke and who has not achieved a premiership will congratulate himself after reading these detective stories of crimes among the upper classes. The criminal hunter in the c …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Eugenics and other Evils
Before he has turned over half-a-dozen pages of Mr. Chesterton’s book, the reader will feel as if he had been out in a high wind. Not, of course, the cold, steady-blowing north-easter that turns your …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton & G. K. Chesterton: The Collected Works of G. K. Chesterton
This comprehensive e Book presents the complete works or all the significant works – the Œuvre – of this famous and brilliant writer in one ebook – easy-to-read and easy-to-navigate: • Aesop’s Fables …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Father Brown: The Collected Works of Father Brown
This comprehensive e Book presents the complete works or all the significant works – the Œuvre – of this famous and brilliant writer in one ebook – 11480 pages easy-to-read and easy-to-navigate: • Th …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Pater Brown – Priester und Detektiv
Der gewitzte Pater Brown hat ein gefährliches Hobby: Er löst mysteriöse Kriminalfälle durch Intuition und Einfühlungsvermögen. Dieses Buch enthält 11 seiner schönsten Fälle, wie z. B. ‘Der geheime Ga …
tiếng Đức
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Pater Brown – Das Paradies der Diebe
Der gewitzte Pater Brown hat ein gefährliches Hobby: Er löst mysteriöse Kriminalfälle durch Intuition und Einfühlungsvermögen. Dieses Buch enthält 12 seiner schönsten Fälle, wie z. B. »Das Paradies d …
tiếng Đức
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Pater Brown – Ein Pfeil vom Himmel
Der gewitzte Pater Brown hat ein gefährliches Hobby: Er löst mysteriöse Kriminalfälle durch Intuition und Einfühlungsvermögen. Dieses Buch enthält sechs seiner schönsten Fälle, wie z. B. »Der geflüge …
tiếng Đức
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Pater Brown
Wahrscheinlich würde er als irgendwelcher niedere Geistliche oder als eine Art von Kongreßsekretär reisen, aber gewiß konnte das natürlich Valentin nicht wissen; bei Flambeau war niemand sicher. Es s …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Orthodoxy
Orthodoxy is a book by G. K. Chesterton. This is one of the best apology of the Christian religion in contemporary history. It was written after the publishing of another Chesterton’s book, Heretics …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Man Who Was Thursday
At first read, G.K. Chesterton’s the Man Who Was Thursday is a zany mystery story filled with often surreal twists that turn more traditional thrillers on their ear.Set in a fantastic London where th …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Man Who Knew Too Much
This contains the first 8 of the 12 stories in the published book The Man Who Knew Too Much and Other Stories. In these 8 detective thrillers, the main protagonist is Horne Fisher. (The omitted four …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Club of Queer Trades
A collection of related short stories by British author G. K. Chesterton. Each story is centered on a person who is making his living by some novel and extraordinary means (a ‘queer trade’). To gain …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Innocence of Father Brown
Twelve mysteries featuring Father Brown, the short, stumpy Catholic priest with ‘uncanny insight into human evil.’ …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Innocence of Father Brown
Twelve mysteries featuring Father Brown, the short, stumpy Catholic priest with "uncanny insight into human evil. Das E-Book wird angeboten von und wurde mit folgenden Begriffen kategorisiert: …
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa & Edgar Allan Poe: 30 Mystery & Investigation Masterpieces (Best Navigation, Active TOC) (A to Z Classics)
This book contains several tables of HTML content that will make reading easier.The first table of contents lists all the titles included in this volume.This book contains the following works, classi …
Marcel Allain & Grant Allen: 30 Suspense and Thriller Masterpieces you have to read in your life (Best Navigation, Active TOC) (A to Z Classics)
This collection contains an active table of contents (HTML), which makes reading easier to make it more enjoyable.The first table of contents lists the titles of all novels included in this volume. B …
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa & Edgar Allan Poe: 30 Mystery & Investigation Masterpieces (Active TOC) (A to Z Classics)
This book contains several tables of HTML content that will make reading easier.The first table of contents lists all the titles included in this volume.This book contains the following works, classi …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Man Who Knew Too Much
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (often shortened to Huck Finn) is a novel written by American humorist Mark Twain. It is commonly used and accounted as one of the first Great American Novels. It is al …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Donnington Affair
In the October 1914 issue of the British magazine  The Premier, Sir Max Pemberton published the first part of this story, inviting a number of writers, including Chesterton, to use their talents …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: La saggezza di padre Brown
I racconti originali contenuti nella raccolta  La saggezza di padre Brown sono apparsi tutti irregolarmente nella rivista letteraria inglese  Pall Mall Gazette tra il marzo 1913 e …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Tutti i racconti gialli e tutte le indagini di Padre Brown
• Il candore di Padre Brown • La saggezza di Padre Brown • L’incredulità di Padre Brown • Il segreto di Padre Brown • Lo scandalo di Padre Brown Introduzione di Masolino d’Amico Edizione integrale C …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: L’uomo che fu Giovedì
I membri di una setta anarchica hanno fatto una scelta bizzarra decidendo di assumere per maggior sicurezza i nomi dei giorni della settimana, e quando il protagonista di questa storia, Gabril Syme, …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: I tre strumenti di morte
I tre strumenti di morte (The three tools of death), pubblicato nel 1911 nell’antologia ‘The innocence of Father Brown’, è uno dei racconti scritti da Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936) che hanno c …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Il giardino segreto
Il giardino segreto (The secret garden), pubblicato nel 1911 nell’antologia ‘The innocence of Father Brown’, è uno dei racconti scritti da Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936) che hanno come protagon …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: La canzone dei pesci volanti e altre storie
I quattro racconti di questa raccolta rappresentano una piccola selezione tra le molte storie scritti da Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936) che hanno come protagonista Padre Brown, il sacerdote cat …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: L’insalata del colonnello Cray
Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936) è autore, insieme a molte altre cose, di una serie di cinquantadue racconti pubblicati in cinque antologie tra il 1911 e il 1935 che hanno come protagonista Padre …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: La fiaba di Padre Brown
Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936) è autore, insieme a molte altre cose, di una serie di cinquantadue racconti pubblicati in cinque antologie tra il 1911 e il 1935 che hanno come protagonista Padre …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Innocence of Father Brown
‘The Innocence of Father Brown’ (1911) is the first collection of stories starring the empathetic detective Father Brown. Sherlock Holmes might be sexier, but GK Chesterton’s atmospheric Father Brown …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The wisdom of Father Brown
‘The Wisdom of Father Brown’ (1914) is a collection of twelve stories by G.K. Chesterton, featuring his empathetic detective Father Brown. Sherlock Holmes might be sexier, but GK Chesterton’s atmosph …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Der Mann der Donnerstag war : Eine Nachtmahr
Ein Detektiv….Eine geheime Gesellschaft…und eine außerordentliche Entdeckung. …
tiếng Đức
Maksim Gorky & Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Creatures That Once Were Men
pub One.info thank you for your continued support and wish to present you this new edition. It is certainly a curious fact that so many of the voices of what is called our modern religion have come f …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Heretics
Though he was on the whole a fun loving and gregarious man, during adolescence Chesterton was troubled by thoughts of suicide. In Christianity he found answers to many of the dilemmas and paradoxes o …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Man Who Was Thursday: a Nightmare
The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare is a novel by G. K. Chesterton, first published in 1908. The book has been referred to as a metaphysical thriller. Although it deals with anarchists, the novel i …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Napoleon of Notting Hill
The Napoleon of Notting Hill is a novel written by G. K. Chesterton in 1904, set in a nearly-unchanged London in 1984. Though the novel deals with the future, it concentrates not on technology nor on …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Orthodoxy
Orthodoxy (1908) is a book by G. K. Chesterton that has become a classic of Christian apologetics. Chesterton considered this book a companion to his other work, Heretics. In the book’s preface Chest …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Wild Knight and Other Poems
The Wild Knight and Other Poems was written in the year 1900 by Gilbert Keith Chesterton. This book is one of the most popular novels of Gilbert Keith Chesterton, and has been translated into several …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Innocence of Father Brown
Twelve mysteries featuring Father Brown, the short, stumpy Catholic priest with ‘uncanny insight into human evil.’ Das E-Book The Innocence of Father Brown wird angeboten von Booklassic und wurde mit …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Eugenics and Other Evils
From the introduction: ‘I publish these essays at the present time for a particular reason connected with the present situation; a reason which I should like briefly to emphasise and make clear. Thou …
Gilbert Gilbert: The Wisdom of Father Brown
From London to Cornwall, then to Italy and France, a short, shabby priest runs to earth bandits, traitors, killers. Why is he so successful? The reason is that after years spent in the priesthood, Fa …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Club of Queer Trades
A collection of related short stories by British author G. K. Chesterton. Each story is centered on a person who is making his living by some novel and extraordinary means (a ‘queer trade’). To gain …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Donnington Affair
In the October 1914 issue of the British magazine The Premier, Sir Max Pemberton published the first part of this story, inviting a number of writers, including Chesterton, to use their talents to so …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: St. Francis of Assisi
Chesterton was an orthodox religious person, eventually converting to Roman Catholicism. In 1923, he wrote this short biography of St. Francis of Assisi, after whom Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio cho …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Man Who Knew Too Much
This contains the first 8 of the 12 stories in the published book The Man Who Knew Too Much and Other Stories. In these 8 detective thrillers, the main protagonist is Horne Fisher. (The omitted four …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: La saggezza di padre Brown
La saggezza di padre Brown (titolo originale: The Wisdom of Father Brown) è la seconda raccolta di racconti gialli dello scrittore inglese G.K.Chesterton, composta nel 1914 e facente parte del …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: L’osteria volante
Humphrey Pump, oste inglese, è costretto a chiudere la sua attività dalle nuove leggi restrittive sulla vendita degli alcolici. Formato un sodalizio con l'erculeo capitano irlandese …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: La saggezza di padre Brown
Il personaggio letterario padre Brown è un presbitero e investigatore, protagonista di oltre cinquanta racconti gialli dello scrittore inglese Gilbert Keith Chesterton. Modellato sulla figura …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Diese Sammlung der Werke von Gilbert Keith Chesterton, des berühmten englischen Buchautoren, Journalisten und Schöpfers des Father Brown (Pater Brown) enthält u. a.: Gilbert Keith Chestertons Der Man …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: La saggezza di Padre Brown
La saggezza di Padre Brown è la seconda raccolta di racconti gialli dello scrittore inglese Gilbert Keith Chesterton, composta nel 1914 e che ha come protagonista il celebre Padre Brown. I 12 raccont …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Complete Works of Gilbert Keith Chesterton
The Complete Works of Gilbert Keith Chesterton Gilbert Keith Chesterton KC*SG was an English writer, philosopher, lay theologian, and literary and art critic. He has been referred to as the ‘prince o …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: A vándorló kocsma
A ​Galaktika Baráti Kör sorozat legújabb kötete G. K. Chesterton A vándorló kocsma című regénye, mely a GBK tagok számára kész …
Ngôn ngữ hungarian
Edwin Abbott Abbott & Jane Austen: Best Humorous Writings
Humor is the tendency of experiences to provoke laughter and provide amusement. People of all ages and cultures respond to humor. Most people are able to experience humor—be amused, smile or laugh at …
Grant Allen & William Andrew Johnston: 20 Must-Read Thriller Novels
A thriller novel is a novel that uses suspense, excitement, apprehension and exhilaration to tell a story. Thriller novels have villains, suspense, and action in settings such as espionage, medicine, …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: San Francisco de Asís
‘Me dirijo al hombre de la calle, escéptico pero también comprensivo, y mi única esperanza, bastante vaga por cierto, es que si abordo la biografía de este gran santo por el lado llamativo y popular …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: San Francisco de Asís
‘Me dirijo al hombre de la calle, escéptico pero también comprensivo, y mi única esperanza, bastante vaga por cierto, es que si abordo la biografía de este gran santo por el lado llamativo y popular …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa & Gilbert Keith Chesterton: 30 Mystery & Investigation masterpieces
This book contains several tables of HTML content that will make reading easier. The first table of contents lists all the titles included in this volume. This book contains the following works, clas …
Marcel Allain & Grant Allen: 30 Suspense and Thriller Masterpieces you have to read before you die
This book contains the following works arranged alphabetically by authors last names A Royal Prisoner [Marcel Allain] The Thames Valley Catastrophe [Grant Allen] Mr Standfast [John Buchan] The Three …
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa & Gilbert Keith Chesterton: 30 Mystery & Investigation masterpieces
This book contains several tables of HTML content that will make reading easier. The first table of contents lists all the titles included in this volume. This book contains the following works, clas …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: El hombre que fue Jueves
Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936) ejemplifica como pocos la idea común y por tanto quizá descabellada del escritor como individuo genial. Hombre de genio y de talento incluso desmesurado, su obra …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: La cosa y otros artículos de fe
La cosa y otros artículos de fe recoge los mejores artículos de The Thing, que Gilbert Keith Chesterton publicó en 1929, siete años después de su conversión; y además se amplía con otros artículos pe …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Enormes minucias
Esta muy temprana colección de artículos, de carácter misceláneo, editada en 1909 por la casa editorial londinense Methuen & Co. es ya, sin embargo, la tercera del gran escritor y mayor periodista in …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Tipos diversos
Aunque existe una primera version, de fecha tan temprana como 1902, bajo el titulo de Twelve types, la edicion definitiva de estos veinte pequeños ensayos biograficos, plenamente chestertonianos, es …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Sobre el concepto de barbarie
Estamos viviendo un renacimiento de la figura y la obra de Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936). Por todas partes surgen asociaciones chestertonianas y se reeditan con gran éxito sus obras fundamenta …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: La eugenesia y otras desgracias
La eugenesia y otras desgracias recoge una serie de artículos escritos por Chesterton en torno a la aprobación de la Mental Deficiency Act de 1913, que limitaba los derechos y libertades de personas …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: William Blake
Las biografías de los grandes artistas siempre han sido mejores cuando son narradas desde la óptica de una inteligencia de igual o superior magnitud. En este caso, es todo un lujo la aparición de est …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: La sal de la vida
La sal de la vida (The spice of life) fue publicado por vez primera en 1964 y es una muy lograda miscelánea reunida por su secretaria e insigne chestertoniana, Dorothy Collins. Los artículos proceden …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Impresiones de Irlanda
Estaría bien poder citar a Chesterton reproduciendo lo que este hubiese dicho de… Chesterton. Aseguraría una frase brillante. Ante ese imposible, solo cabe señalar su agudeza, su ingenio, su indepe …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Robert Browning
Traduccion de Vicente Corbi. Robert Browning es una de las mejores biografias que se han escrito nunca, aunque (y precisamente porque) no es solo una biografia al uso, en el sentido de ser un simple …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Chaucer
G. K. Chesterton (Londres, 1874-1936), el gran escritor inglés, es conocido sobre todo por los relatos policiales del Padre Brown y por sus novelas, en especial El hombre que fue Jueves. Pero Chester …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: L’osteria volante
Un romanzo distopico insolito e sorprendente per G.K. Chesterton, che immagina in questo libro pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1914 un’Inghilterra di un futuro non meglio identificato nel quale l’a …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: La saggezza di Padre Brown
Padre Brown è il protagonista dei racconti gialli che G.K Chesterton scrisse per la rivista inglese Pall Mall Gazette tra il 1913 e il 1914. In questa raccolta troverete dodici racconti dedicati a un …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Il Napoleone di Notting Hill
G.K. Chesterton nella propria bibliografia si è spesso cimentato con trame distopiche, ambientate in un futuro immaginario nel quale si svolgono vicende diverse da come sono andati davvero i fatti ne …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Poems
In his collection ‘Poems, ‘ G.K. Chesterton masterfully weaves together a rich tapestry of themes including faith, nature, and the human condition, showcasing his unique flair for paradox and humor. …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Barbarism of Berlin
In ‘The Barbarism of Berlin, ‘ G.K. Chesterton presents a penetrating critique of militarism and the philosophical underpinnings of nationalism that characterized the early 20th century. Written in t …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Man Who Knew Too Much
In ‘The Man Who Knew Too Much, ‘ Gilbert Keith Chesterton weaves a masterful tapestry of mystery and philosophy, presenting a collection of short stories that delve into the duality of human nature a …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: All Things Considered
In ‘All Things Considered, ‘ G.K. Chesterton presents a collection of essays that delve into a range of topics, reflecting his philosophical musings and astute observations on contemporary society. A …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: A Short History of England
In ‘A Short History of England, ‘ G.K. Chesterton offers a distinctive and thought-provoking perspective on the tapestry of English history. Written with Chesterton’s characteristic wit and eloquence …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare
In ‘The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare, ‘ G.K. Chesterton expertly weaves a complex narrative that blends elements of fantasy, philosophy, and political satire. The novel follows Gabriel Syme, a p …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Innocence of Father Brown
In ‘The Innocence of Father Brown, ‘ G.K. Chesterton introduces readers to the astute and unassuming detective, Father Brown, a Catholic priest who possesses a unique understanding of human nature an …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Wisdom of Father Brown
In ‘The Wisdom of Father Brown, ‘ G.K. Chesterton presents a delightful collection of short stories featuring his iconic clerical sleuth, Father Brown. Through the lens of these cleverly woven narrat …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Club of Queer Trades
In ‘The Club of Queer Trades, ‘ G.K. Chesterton crafts a series of interconnected stories that explore the eccentricities of professions in an alternate version of Edwardian England. Blending humor w …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Manalive
In ‘Manalive, ‘ Gilbert Keith Chesterton presents an exuberant exploration of existence through the lens of a mystery intertwined with philosophical inquiry. The narrative centers around the characte …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Orthodoxy
In ‘Orthodoxy, ‘ G.K. Chesterton presents a compelling exposition of his philosophical journey towards finding faith amidst the modern world’s skepticism. Written in a conversational style that marri …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Magic
In ‘Magic, ‘ Gilbert Keith Chesterton intertwines the realms of the mystical and the mundane, offering readers a profound exploration of enchantment within everyday life. Through a series of essays, …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: George Bernard Shaw
In ‘George Bernard Shaw, ‘ G.K. Chesterton delves deep into the life and work of one of the most provocative playwrights of the early 20th century. Through his characteristic wit and eloquent prose, …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Flying Inn
In ‘The Flying Inn, ‘ G.K. Chesterton crafts a satirical narrative that captures the essence of early 20th-century British society, illuminating the tensions between tradition and modernity. The stor …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Ball and the Cross
In ‘The Ball and the Cross, ‘ G.K. Chesterton artfully weaves a philosophical narrative that delves into the profound conflict between faith and reason, symbolized through the clash of two polar oppo …
Vatsyayana & Voltaire: 33 Masterpieces of Philosophy and Science to Read Before You Die (Illustrated)
We live in an era rife with cultural conflict. The 21st century is by no means free of wars, terrorism, riots, famine, nor epidemics. We may attempt to solve the challenges of our times by uniting th …
Redhouse & Ryūnosuke Akutagawa: Mystery & Investigation Anthology
This book contains several tables of HTML content that will make reading easier. The first table of contents lists all the titles included in this volume. This book contains the following works, clas …
Marcel Allain & Grant Allen: 30 Suspense and Thriller Masterpieces
Anthologie contenant : A Royal Prisoner par Marcel Allain The Thames Valley Catastrophe par Grant Allen Mr Standfast par John Buchan Greenmantle par John Buchan The Island of Sheep par John Buchan Th …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Tremendous Trifles
In ‘Tremendous Trifles, ‘ G.K. Chesterton presents a collection of essays that delve into the extraordinary within the ordinary, weaving a fabric of whimsical narratives that celebrate the marvels of …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Varied Types
‘Varied Types’ is a captivating collection of essays that showcases G.K. Chesterton’s distinctive literary style, characterized by wit, keen observation, and a flair for paradox. Written during the e …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Irish Impressions
In ‘Irish Impressions, ‘ G.K. Chesterton employs his characteristic wit and keen observation to explore the rich tapestry of Irish life, culture, and landscape. Written in the early 20th century, thi …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Alarms and Discursions
In ‘Alarms and Discursions, ‘ Gilbert Keith Chesterton presents a vibrant collection of essays infused with his characteristic blend of wit, irony, and philosophical depth. The book explores various …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Charles Dickens
In ‘Charles Dickens, ‘ G.K. Chesterton offers a profound and multifaceted exploration of the life and works of one of England’s most celebrated novelists. Chesterton’s literary style is characterized …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Victorian Age in Literature
In ‘The Victorian Age in Literature, ‘ Gilbert Keith Chesterton offers a compelling analysis of the literary landscape during the Victorian era, illuminating the complexities and contradictions that …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Ballad of the White Horse
In ‘The Ballad of the White Horse, ‘ G.K. Chesterton masterfully weaves a rich tapestry of myth and history, exploring the legendary resistance of King Alfred against the invading Danes. Written in a …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Crimes of England
In ‘The Crimes of England, ‘ Gilbert Keith Chesterton crafts a compelling analysis of the social, moral, and economic decay he perceives within early 20th-century England. Employing his signature wit …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Appetite of Tyranny
In ‘The Appetite of Tyranny, ‘ G.K. Chesterton employs his signature wit and incisive reasoning to explore the nature of power and its insatiable hunger for control. This elegantly crafted work combi …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Appreciations and Criticisms of the Works of Charles Dickens
In ‘Appreciations and Criticisms of the Works of Charles Dickens, ‘ G.K. Chesterton offers a profound literary exploration of Dickens’Äô oeuvre, characterized by his characteristic wit, incisive anal …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: A Miscellany of Men
In ‘A Miscellany of Men, ‘ G.K. Chesterton presents a poignant collection of essays that explore the intricacies of human character and societal norms through a whimsical yet incisive lens. The work, …
Icarsus & Ryūnosuke Akutagawa: Mystery & Investigation Anthology
This book contains several tables of HTML content that will make reading easier. The first table of contents lists all the titles included in this volume. This book contains the following works, clas …
Icarsus & Ryūnosuke Akutagawa: 30 Mystery & Investigation
This book contains several tables of HTML content that will make reading easier. The first table of contents lists all the titles included in this volume. This book contains the following works, clas …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton & Wilkie Collins: 30 Mystery & Investigation
This book contains several tables of HTML content that will make reading easier. The first table of contents lists all the titles included in this volume. This book contains the following works, clas …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Die besten Pater-Brown-Geschichten
Der kleine, rundliche und kurzsichtige Pater Brown entspricht nicht gerade der Idealvorstellung eines Meisterdetektivs, aber der Schein trügt: mit Humor, List und Scharfsinn bringt er sämtliche Übelt …
tiếng Đức
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Der Mann, der Donnerstag war
Vorzüglich ums Abendwerden und den Einbruch der Nacht überfiel Saffron Park diese reizende Unwirklichkeit: wenn die Extravaganz der Dächer verschwamm im Nachtglühen und das ganze verrückte Dorf wie e …
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Puskin Aleksandr Puskin & Manzoni Alessandro Manzoni: 50 Capolavori Da Leggere Prima Di Morire: Vol. 1
Sommario: Odissea (-720) – Homer L’apologia di Socrate (395) – Plato Tao Te Ching (600) – Lao Tzu La Divina Commedia (1304) – Dante Alighieri Il principe (1513) – Niccol Machiavelli Dell’arte della g …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Flying Inn
In ‘The Flying Inn, ‘ G. K. Chesterton constructs an imaginative narrative brimming with his characteristic wit and philosophical discourse. Set against the backdrop of a fictionalized England grappl …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Man Who Knew Too Much
In ‘The Man Who Knew Too Much, ‘ G.K. Chesterton crafts a compelling collection of short stories that intertwines mystery, philosophy, and social commentary. The book features the adventurous detecti …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Appreciations and Criticisms of the Works of Charles Dickens
In ‘Appreciations and Criticisms of the Works of Charles Dickens, ‘ G.K. Chesterton delivers a masterful exploration of Dickens’s literary landscape, dissecting the emotional depth and social comment …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Man Who Knew Too Much
Due to close relationships with the leading political figures in the land, Fisher knows too much about the private politics behind the public politics of the day. This knowledge is a burden to him be …
Arthur Conan Doyle & Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Cuentos bajo la lupa
Las mentes de los detectives más brillantes del relato policial se encuentran reunidas en esta antología para que, junto con ellas, descubras los crímenes que aquí se plantean. …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Breve historia de Inglaterra
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Pater Brown
Der charmante Pater Brown ist hier mit einigen seiner bekanntesten Kurzgeschichten vertreten. Sie wurden zum Teil verfilmt, u. a. mit Heinz Rühmann. Gilbert Keith Chestertons Held ist etwas unscheinb …
tiếng Đức
Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Complete Short Stories in One Volume (Illustrated Edition)
Nathaniel Hawthorne’s ‘The Complete Short Stories in One Volume (Illustrated Edition)’ presents a comprehensive collection that encapsulates the author’s profound exploration of moral complexity, hum …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Die Bäume des Hochmuts
Squire Vane lebt mit seiner Tochter auf einem Anwesen an der Steilküste von Cornwall. In einem Wäldchen zum Meer hin erheben sich drei Baumkronen des Pfauenbaums, der Sage nach sehr giftige, wenn nic …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Éloge du genre policier
Homme aux talents divers, esprit fécond, auteur en bien des genres : poète, journaliste, apologiste, essayiste, romancier, Chesterton brilla également dans le genre policier, au point, encore aujourd …
tiếng Pháp
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: El poeta y los lunáticos
El poeta y los lunáticos (1929), de Gilbert Keith Chesterton, no es exactamente una novela, sino más bien una sucesión de episodios entrelazados, en los que un aparente loco -el poeta y pintor Gabrie …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: El hombre que sabía vivir
Chesterton puede considerarse un autor clásico de la Edad Contemporánea. Sus obras no dejan de reeditarse precisamente porque todas ellas, ya sean ensayos, novelas, obras de teatro e incluso poemas, …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Innocence of Father Brown
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remain …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: La saggezza di padre Brown
Il personaggio letterario padre Brown è un presbitero e investigatore, protagonista di oltre cinquanta racconti gialli dello scrittore inglese Gilbert Keith Chesterton. Modellato sulla figura di padr …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: A Barbárie de Berlim
Um dos ensaios mais fecundos de G. K. Chesterto sobre as bases ideárias da Alemanha na Primeira Guerra Mundial. Analisando os eventos iniciais da Primeira Guerra Mundial, as pretensões não somente bé …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Il problema insolubile
In una locanda fuori mano nei boschi, padre Brown si trova a indagare su un caso bizzarrissimo: un anziano è stato trafitto con un’antica spada e insieme impiccato a un albero. Tutti vol …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: L’onore di Israel Gow/The Honour of Israel Gow
Padre Brown, insieme a Flambeu e all’ispettore Carven, indaga sulla morte di Archibald Ogilvo, conte di Glengyle. Tra le cianfrusaglie accumulate nel castello, alcune alimentano non pochi sospe …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: The Man Who Knew Too Much
This contains the first 8 of the 12 stories in the published book The Man Who Knew Too Much and Other Stories. In these 8 detective thrillers, the main protagonist is Horne Fisher. (The omitted four …
Marjorie Bowen & Catherine Louisa Pirkis: Weihnachtskrimis. Klassische Erzählungen aus England
Der schwere »chinesische Apfel« aus Jade ist eine ideale Mordwaffe, mit ihm wurde die reiche alte Dame von gegenüber ins Jenseits befördert. Sagt der Detective und wähnt die Täterin schon über alle B …
tiếng Đức
Gilbert Keith Chesterton: La croce azzurra
Nella  Croce azzurra fa la sua prima apparizione Padre Brown, protagonista di molti romanzi e racconti gialli di Chesterton, il prete-investigatore che risolve i casi grazie alle raffinate …
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton: Le Nommé Jeudi : Un cauchemar
Se faisant passer pour un autre, un détective infiltre une société secrète sans se douter que ce qu”il y découvrira bouleversera sa vie…? Intellectuel aux mille visages, GK Chesterton ne saurait êtr …
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