Tác giả: Guido Spars

Ủng hộ
Prof. Tanjev Schultz teaches and carries out research at the Institute for Journalism at the University of Mainz.

25 Ebooks bởi Guido Spars

Heidi Sinning & Guido Spars: Sharing-Ansätze für Wohnen und Quartier.
Cluster-Wohnungen, Coworking Spaces, Shared Mobility – Sharing-Ansätze gelten als Zukunftstrend in der Wohnungswirtschaft und bieten zugleich zahlreiche Ansatzpunkte für eine nachhaltige Quartiersent …
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Abdelaziz Adidi & Fouad Amraoui: Urban Agriculture for Growing City Regions
This book demonstrates how agriculture can play a determining role in integrated, climate-optimised urban development. Agriculture within urban growth centres today is more than an economic or social …
Abdelaziz Adidi & Fouad Amraoui: Urban Agriculture for Growing City Regions
This book demonstrates how agriculture can play a determining role in integrated, climate-optimised urban development. Agriculture within urban growth centres today is more than an economic or social …
Tanjev Schultz: Was darf man sagen?
Freedom of the press and freedom of speech are being fought for day after day & even in Germany, where they are enshrined in the country=s constitution. What is it permissible to say? How far does fr …
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Tanjev Schultz: Was darf man sagen?
Freedom of the press and freedom of speech are being fought for day after day & even in Germany, where they are enshrined in the country=s constitution. What is it permissible to say? How far does fr …
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Stefan Iskan: Corona in Deutschland
Was lokal im chinesischen Wuhan begann, ist zu einem Jahrhundertereignis geworden: COVID-19. Doch wie steht Deutschland vor, während und nach der großen Pandemie da? Der Beantwortung dieser Frage wid …
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Stefan Iskan: Corona in Deutschland
Was lokal im chinesischen Wuhan begann, ist zu einem Jahrhundertereignis geworden: COVID-19. Doch wie steht Deutschland vor, während und nach der großen Pandemie da? Der Beantwortung dieser Frage wid …
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Tanjev Schultz: Auf dem rechten Auge blind?
Der Mord an Walter Lübcke, die Anschläge von Halle und Hanau, Hass und Gewalt gegen Juden und Muslime – immer wieder erschüttert rechter Terror das Land. Die Bundesrepublik wird die Neonazis nicht lo …
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Tanjev Schultz: Auf dem rechten Auge blind?
Der Mord an Walter Lübcke, die Anschläge von Halle und Hanau, Hass und Gewalt gegen Juden und Muslime – immer wieder erschüttert rechter Terror das Land. Die Bundesrepublik wird die Neonazis nicht lo …
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Thomas Hauser & Philippe Merz: Vom Bürger zum Konsumenten
Denken und Handeln von Individuen und Gesellschaften werden zunehmend von ökonomischen Überlegungen geleitet. Was ist uns die Rettung der Umwelt wert? Wie viel kosten unsere Kinder? Wie viel geben wi …
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Thomas Hauser & Philippe Merz: Vom Bürger zum Konsumenten
Denken und Handeln von Individuen und Gesellschaften werden zunehmend von ökonomischen Überlegungen geleitet. Was ist uns die Rettung der Umwelt wert? Wie viel kosten unsere Kinder? Wie viel geben wi …
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Guido Spars: Wohnungsfrage 3.0
Over the past decade, rental costs and home purchase prices have risen rapidly, leading to increasing social discontent and political pressure. Housing policy has nevertheless been a rather neglected …
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Guido Spars: Wohnungsfrage 3.0
Over the past decade, rental costs and home purchase prices have risen rapidly, leading to increasing social discontent and political pressure. Housing policy has nevertheless been a rather neglected …
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Daniela Winkler: Klimawandel – Klimakrise – Klimakollaps
The existence of man-made climate change, with dramatic effects on nature and the environment, can no longer be seriously disputed. However, so far there has been little research on the profound soci …
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Daniela Winkler: Klimawandel – Klimakrise – Klimakollaps
The existence of man-made climate change, with dramatic effects on nature and the environment, can no longer be seriously disputed. However, so far there has been little research on the profound soci …
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Thomas Krüger & Monika Piegeler: Urbane Produktion
Die Entwicklung neuer Produktions-, Transport- und Kommunikationstechnologien führt zu einem permanenten räumlichen Anpassungsprozess des Gewerbes in den Städten. In dem Band werden verschiedene Aspe …
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Thomas Krüger & Monika Piegeler: Urbane Produktion
Die Entwicklung neuer Produktions-, Transport- und Kommunikationstechnologien führt zu einem permanenten räumlichen Anpassungsprozess des Gewerbes in den Städten. In dem Band werden verschiedene Aspe …
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Tanjev Schultz: ‘Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund’
Even ten years after the discovery of the ?National Socialist Underground= (NSU) terrorist group, there are many questions that remain unanswered. Were there other accomplices? How were the victims a …
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Tanjev Schultz: ‘Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund’
Even ten years after the discovery of the ?National Socialist Underground= (NSU) terrorist group, there are many questions that remain unanswered. Were there other accomplices? How were the victims a …
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Thomas Hauser & Daniela Winkler: Gehört werden
Rarely have citizens been as sceptical of politics and state institutions as they are today. Many people think politicians in particular are capable of doing anything & and they don=t trust them an i …
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Thomas Hauser & Daniela Winkler: Gehört werden
Rarely have citizens been as sceptical of politics and state institutions as they are today. Many people think politicians in particular are capable of doing anything & and they don=t trust them an i …
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Gunther Hirschfelder: Wer bestimmt, was wir essen?
The topic of nutrition has become a major issue since the turn of the millennium. Ethical aspects of nutrition are playing an increasingly important role in public discussions, alongside health consi …
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Gunther Hirschfelder: Wer bestimmt, was wir essen?
The topic of nutrition has become a major issue since the turn of the millennium. Ethical aspects of nutrition are playing an increasingly important role in public discussions, alongside health consi …
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Pamela Kerschke-Risch: Sexualisierte Gewalt gegen Kinder
The public has been shaken again and again by reports of abuse scandals and sexualized violence against children. Such violence can take a wide variety of forms, ranging from the commercial darknet a …
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Pamela Kerschke-Risch: Sexualisierte Gewalt gegen Kinder
The public has been shaken again and again by reports of abuse scandals and sexualized violence against children. Such violence can take a wide variety of forms, ranging from the commercial darknet a …
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