This original look at the dynamics of international relations untangles the vigorous interaction of domestic and international politics on subjects as diverse as nuclear disarmament, human rights, and trade. An eminent group of political scientists demonstrates how international bargaining that reflects domestic political agendas can be undone when it ignores the influence of domestic constituencies.
The eleven studies in
Double-Edged Diplomacy provide a major step in furthering a more complete understanding of how politics
between nations affects politics
within nations and vice versa. The result is a striking new paradigm for comprehending world events at a time when the global and the domestic are becoming ever more linked.
This original look at the dynamics of international relations untangles the vigorous interaction of domestic and international politics on subjects as diverse as nuclear disarmament, human rights, and trade. An eminent group of political scientists demons
Mục lục
I. Introduction: Integrating International and Domestic Theories
of International Bargaining
Andrew Moravcsik
2. Dual Track and Double Trouble: The Two-Level Politics of INF
Richard C. Eichenberg
3. The Political Economy of Security Agreements:
The Linked Costs of Failure at Camp David
Janice Gross Stein
4. East-West Bargaining Over Germany:
The Search for Synergy in a Two-Level Game
Jack Snyder
5. Armaments Among Allies:
European Weapons Collaboration, 1975-1985
Andrew Moravcsik
6. The 1933 World Economic Conference as an Instance of Failed
International Cooperation
Barry Eichengreen and Marc Uzan
7. The Interaction of Domestic and International Politics:
The Anglo-American Oil Negotiations and the International Civil
Aviation Negotiations, 1943-1947
Helen Milner
8. International Threats and Internal Politics: Brazil, the European
Community, and the United States, 1985-1987
]ohn S. Odell
9. U.S.-Japan Negotiations on Construction and Semiconductors, 1985-1988:
Building Friction and Relation-Chips
Ellis S. Krauss
10. The United States and Central America: Interlocking Debates
Robert A. Pastor
11. U.S. Policy and Human Rights in Argentina
and Guatemala, 1973-1980
Lisa L. Martin and Kathryn Sikkink
12. Bargaining with the IMF:
Two-Level Strategies and Developing Countries
Miles Kahler
13. Building an Integrative Approach to International and Domestic Politics:
Reflections and Projections
Peter B. Evans
Diplomacy and Domestic Politics:
The Logic of Two-Level Games
Robert D. Putnam
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Peter Evans is Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Berkeley. Harold Jacobson is Jesse Siddal Reeves Professor of Political Science and Director, the Center for Political Studies, at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Robert Putnam is Gurney Professor of Political Science at Harvard University.