Too Many People? provides a clear, well-documented, and popularly written refutation of the idea that ‘overpopulation’ is a major cause of environmental destruction, arguing that a focus on human numbers not only misunderstands the causes of the crisis, it dangerously weakens the movement for real solutions.
No other book challenges modern overpopulation theory so clearly and comprehensively, providing invaluable insights for the layperson and environmental scholars alike.
Ian Angus is editor of the ecosocialist journal Climate and Capitalism, and Simon Butler is co-editor of Green Left Weekly.
Mục lục
The Population Bomb is Back
1Are People the Problem?
2Varieties of Populationism Today
The Failures of Populationism
3Dissecting those Overpopulation Numbers
4The Carrying Capacity Myth
5The Bomb That Didn’t Explode
6Too Many Mouths to Feed?
Control and Coercion
7The Dark History of 20th Century Population Control
8Non-Coercive Population Control?
Greens versus Immigrants?
9Lifeboat Ethics
10Allies, Not Enemies
Production, Consumption, and Revolution
11Too Many Consumers?
12The Myth of Consumer Sovereignty
13The Military-Corporate Polluter Complex
14A System of Growth and Waste
15Population Programs or Ecological Revolution?
1The Malthus Myth
2Eugene V. Debs on Immigration
3Donella Meadows on IPAT
4People’s Agreement on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Ian Angus is editor of
Climate and Capitalism, an online journal focusing on capitalism, climate change, and the ecosocialist alternative. His previous books include
Canadian Bolsheviks, and
The Global Fight for Climate Justice.
Simon Butler, a climate justice activist based in Sydney, Australia, is co-editor of
Green Left Weekly, the country’s leading source of anti-capitalist news, analysis, discussion and debate.