Christians regularly ask God to ‘forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, ‘ but tend to focus on the first half and ignore the second.
Something is missing if Christians think of mission only in terms of proclamation or social justice and discipleship only in terms of personal growth and renewal—leaving the relational implications of the gospel almost to chance. It is vital both to spiritual life and mission to think of the church as both invitation and witness to a particularly merciful social dynamic in the world.
As a work of constructive practical theology and a critical commentary on the ecclesiology of Karl Barth's unfinished Church Dogmatics, A Shared Mercy explains the place and meaning of interpersonal forgiveness and embeds it within an account of Christ's ongoing ministry of reconciliation. A theologian well-practiced in church ministry, Jon Coutts aims to understand what it means to forgive and reconcile in the context of the Christ-confessing community. In the process he appropriates an area of Barth's theology that has yet to be fully explored for its practical ramifications and that promises to be of interest to both seasoned scholars and newcomers to Barth alike. The result is a re-envisioning of the church in terms of a mercy that is crucially and definitively shared.
Featuring new monographs with cutting-edge research, New Explorations in Theology provides a platform for constructive, creative work in the areas of systematic, historical, philosophical, biblical, and practical theology.
Mục lục
Foreword by John Webster
1. What Is It About Forgiveness?
2. Forgiveness in Church Dogmatics IV
3. Forgiveness Shared: The Church of Church Dogmatics IV
4. Forgive Us: The Meaning of Christian Forgiveness
5. As We Forgive: Forgiveness in the Ministry of Reconciliation
6. New Every Morning: The Life of a Confessing Church
Author Index
Subject Index
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Jon Coutts (Ph D, Aberdeen University) is tutor of theology and ethics at Trinity College in Bristol, England. Ordained in the Christian and Missionary Alliance, Coutts has extensive ministry experience in Canada, including serving as pastor in Richmond, British Columbia and Selkirk, Manitoba. He writes and speaks on a variety of topics including church and pastoral theology, forgiveness and reconciliation, gender and ministry, film and fiction, and the works of Karl Barth and G.K. Chesterton.