Tác giả: Julie Zhu

Ủng hộ
Julie Zhu, born in 70″s, is a popular Chinese science fiction author. She now is living in Washington area. She love writing, movies, and media. She got MS degree from Chinese Academy of Sciences and MBA degree from George Washington University. She used to be a senior manager of Information Development department in Netbig.com – a No. 1 education web portal at that time, and senior front end developer at the Washington Post. She published several science fiction stories. Now she is a senior front end engineer. Her artworks earned high rates in Douban – the most famous company in books and movies field in China. Her science fiction stories also won two finalists in several big science fiction writing competitions hold by Douban and participated by tens of thousands authors including most famous science fiction authors. 朱朱莉,生于七十年代,科幻小说家。现居美国华盛顿地区。爱好文学,电影,传媒。中国科学院天体物理和乔治华盛顿大学工商管理双硕士,曾任国内知名教育门户网站信息发展部总经理,也曾任美国著名报业集团华盛顿邮报高级软件工程师。有多篇科幻小说发表。现为高级前端工程师。 朱朱莉的科幻作品在豆瓣得到8.6高分的评分。多部作品入围豆瓣科幻类征文大奖赛。每部小说均在海外华人最大门户网站文学城得到很高人次的阅读。

10 Ebooks bởi Julie Zhu

Julie Zhu: The City of Robots 机器之城
The City of Robots is a science fiction book wrote by author Julie Zhu (Xiaohong Zhu) in simple Chinese language. The book includes four award winning science fiction stories telling the relatio …
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Julie Zhu: Simple First Love Killer 简单情杀
Three mystery fiction stories about first love. The stories are wroten by Julie Zhu (朱朱莉) using Simple Chinese Language.  《初恋情人》: 二十年后大学初恋情人在纽约相见,男的被杀,凶手看似是街头抢劫的几个混混,其内却隐藏着太多因果和秘密…… 这是一个 …
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Buddha: 10 Major Sutras in Buddhism 十大经典佛经
This book is a classical collection of Buddhist Sutras,  Buddha Sutras 1.0 and Buddhist Texts in One Book. it includes Heart Sutra, Diamond Sutra, Surangama Sutra, lotus sutr …
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Buddha: 7 Major Sutras of Zen Buddhism 禅宗七经
The Zen-tradition has a rich doctrinal and textual background. It has been influenced by sutras such as the Lankavatara Sutra and the Vimalakirti Sutra.The book includes seven major scriptures of Zen …
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Buddha: 5 Major Sutras of Pure Land Buddhism 净土五经
Pure Land Buddhism is one of the most widely practiced traditions of Buddhism in East Asia. The book includes 5 most important, famous  and major sutras in pure land buddhism.   …
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Julie Zhu: The Half Summer Planet 半夏星球
An Asian girl waked up after 50 years’ coma, so all stories began from there. Why she fall into coma, who did that, and why after 50 years, she still kept in her 25 years old status. The story involv …
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贯中 罗: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三国演义
 Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a 14th-century historical novel attributed to Luo Guanzhong. It is set in the turbulent years towards the end of the Han dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period i …
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敬梓 吴: Unofficial History of the Scholars儒林外史
《儒林外史》全书五十六回,以写实主义描绘各类人士对于’功名富贵’的不同表现,一方面真实的揭示人性被腐蚀的过程和原因,从而对当时吏治的腐败、科举的弊端、礼教的虚伪等进行了深刻的批判和嘲讽;一方面热情地歌颂了少数人物以坚持自我的方式所作的对于人性的守护,从而寄寓了作者的理想。小说白话的运用已趋纯熟自如,人物性格的刻画也颇为深入细腻,尤其是采用高超的讽刺手法,使该书成为中国古典讽刺文学的佳作。 …
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了凡 袁: Liao-Fan’s Four Lessons了凡四训
Liao-Fan’s Four Lessons is a book written by Yuan Liaofan, was a Chinese official during the Ming Dynasty, born in present-day Wujiang County, Jiangsu Province. Yuan wrote the book to teach his son, …
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Julie Zhu: Virtual World 虚拟世界
Julie won’t notice that runner who was often running through her window when she was writing. But She notices him now. And all kinds of weird things happen…… 朱莉平时不会注意到跑过她窗前的那个人。 她作息有常,生活自 …
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