Vietnamese history prior to the tenth century has often been treated as a branch of Chinese history, but the Vietnamese side of the story can no longer be ignored. In this volume Keith Taylor draws on both Chinese and Vietnamese sources to provide a balanced view of the early history of Vietnam.
Vietnamese history prior to the tenth century has often been treated as a branch of Chinese history, but the Vietnamese side of the story can no longer be ignored. In this volume Keith Taylor draws on both Chinese and Vietnamese sources to provide a balan
Mục lục
I. Lac Lords
The Earliest Traditions
Lac Society
Prologue to a New Age
King’ An Duong
Chao T’o
The Coming of Han
The Trung Sisters
Yueh and Viet
2. The Han-Viet Era
Ma Yuan’s Legacy
The Great Han- Viet Families
The Second-Century Rebellions
Shih Hsieh
3. Regionalism and the Six Dynasties
The Han- Viet Legacy
Chin Intervention
T’ao Huang
Chin Comes South
Chin and Lin-i
The Do Family
Sung and Lin-i
The Empire Fades
Imperial Administration and Regional Leadership
4· Local Rule in the Sixth Century
The Liang System Penetrates the South
Ly Bi
The View from Chinese Records: 548-89
Trieu Quang Phuc
Ly Phat Tu and Vinltaruci
Sui Comes South
The Sixth Century in Perspective
5· The Protectorate of An-nam
Ch’iu Ho
The Organization of the Protectorate
Census Records
Pilgrims and Merchants
The Rebellion of 687
Mai Thuc Loan
The Mid- T’ ang Crisis
Phung Hung
T’ang-Viet Society, Economy, and Culture
6. The Tang-Viet Confrontation
The T’ ang Revival
Duong Thanh and Vo Ngon Thong
The Nan-chao War
7· Independence
The End of T’ ang
Khuc Thua My
Duong Dinh Nghe
Ngo Quyen
Duong Tam Kha and the Ngo Brothers
Dinh Bo Linh
Appendix A. The Legend of Lac Long
Quan and Au Co
Appendix B. Hung and Lac in the
Appendix C. The Rise of the Hung
Kings in the Viet su luoc
Appendix D. The Archeological
Record of Dong-son
Appendix E. The Yiieh Migration
Appendix F. The Legend of
the Turtle Claw
Appendix G. Textual Problems
Related to Ly Bi’s Background
Appendix H. The Location of Chudien
Appendix I. An-vien, Duong-lam,
Appendix J. Sources for the Phung
Hung Era
Appendix K. The Trung Sisters in
the Literature of Later Centuries
Appendix L. Li Ku’s Seven-Point
Memorial on the Rebellion of 136
Appendix M. T’ao Yiian and
the King of Dao-lang
Appendix N. P’i Jih-hsiu and
the Nan-chao War
Appendix 0. Sources for Early
Vietnamese History
Place Names
Administrative jurisdictions and Titles from
the Provincial Period
Personal Names
Terms and Expressions
Primary Sources
Secondary Sources
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Keith Weller Taylor is Associate Professor of Vietnamese Studies, Cornell University.