Women are entrepreneurs, highly paid professionals, and leaders in business. Many of us have skills to give. We are marrying later. Many of us have time to give. Women are also likely to manage the family money for a significant portion of their lives. Many of us have money to give.When Kim King, a former corporate lawyer, began her own giving journey she found herself short on resources that would guide her along the way. She faced many questions:
– How much do I give?
– How do I find good organizations that are efficient and effective?
– What are some of the common methods of giving?
– How do I find others to join me on this journey?Most of all, she was eager to root all of her decisions in a biblical framework.When Women Give is filled with practical advice and stories to foster growth in giving at any and every level. Kim shares openly from her own story, both from her perspective as a donor and from serving on the boards of several Christian nonprofits. If you want to be a wise steward of what you've been given, then this book is for you.
Mục lục
Foreword by Peter Greer
Part I: The Invitation to Give
1. The Impact of One Woman
2. What God Has Placed in Women’s Hands
3. God’s Invitation to Give
Part II: A Map for the Journey
4. Listening to God About Money
5. How Much Do I Give?
6. What Are My Values in Choosing Organizations to Give To?
7. What Is My God-Given Purpose and Passion?
8. Where Can I Find Information on Organizations?
9. How Do I Identify a Good Organization?
Part III: Meeting the Challenges Along the Way
10. Donor Precautions
11. Challenge to Generosity 1: Fear
12. Challenge to Generosity 2: A Desire for More
13. Challenge to Generosity 3: Subconscious Beliefs
14. Creating a Giving Plan
Part IV: Companions on the Journey
15. Giving with Family
16. Giving with Friends
17. Giving with a Twist
Part V: The Adventure of Giving
18. The (Unexpected?) Blessings of Giving
19. The Rest of the Story
Appendix A: Further Reading
Appendix B: Expenses and Gifts Snapshot Tabulation
Appendix C: Charitable and Ministry Activities
Appendix D: Values or Standards
Appendix E
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Peter Greer is the president and CEO of HOPE International, a global faith-based microfinance organization. Peter is a graduate of Messiah College and Harvard University. He previously served as managing director for Urwego Community Banking in Rwanda and as a microfinance technical adviser in Zimbabwe and Cambodia. Peter is the coauthor of The Poor Will Be Glad, The Spiritual Danger of Doing Good and Mission Drift. He and his wife, Laurel, live in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, with their three children.