Since the discovery of X-ray diffraction in 1913 over 100 000 different inorganic substances (also called compounds or phases) have been structurally characterized. The aim of this reference work is to provide the researcher with a comprehensive compilation of all up to now crystallographically identified inorganic substances in only one volume. All data have been processed and critically evaluated by the ‘Pauling File’ editorial team using a unique software package. Each substance is represented in a single row containing the following information adapted to the number of chemical elements:
– Alphabetically sorted chemical elements
– Standardized chemical formula
– Prototype (structure type): type-defining compound, Pearson symbol, space group number
– Hermann-Mauguin symbol for the space group
– Unit cell dimensions
– Mineral name or structural family
- Color
– Density calculated from the chemical formula and unit cell dimensions
– Code indicating the level of structural studies (atom coordinates refined; no atom coordinates refined, but prototype assigned; only cell parameters determined)
– Reference number
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Pierre Villars, Material Phases Data System, Vitznau, Switzerland; Karin Cenzual, Geneva University, Geneva, Switzerland; Roman Gladyshevskii, Lviv University, Lviv, Ukraine.