Get a jump-start on Autodesk 3ds Max 2012 essentials–withthe Essentials!
The new Essentials books from Sybex are beautiful, task-based, full-color Autodesk Official Training Guides that help you get upto speed on Autodesk topics quickly and easily. Autodesk 3ds Max2012 Essentials thoroughly covers the fundamentals of this popular3D animation effects, and visualization software, teaching you whatyou need to become quickly productive.
By following the book’s clear explanations, pr...
Get a jump-start on Autodesk 3ds Max 2012 essentials–withthe Essentials!
The new Essentials books from Sybex are beautiful, task-based, full-color Autodesk Official Training Guides that help you get upto speed on Autodesk topics quickly and easily. Autodesk 3ds Max2012 Essentials thoroughly covers the fundamentals of this popular3D animation effects, and visualization software, teaching you whatyou need to become quickly productive.
By following the book’s clear explanations, practical tutorials, and step-by-step exercises, you’ll cover all the bases. Topicsinclude modeling, animation, rendering, rigging, compositing, andmuch more. Whether you’re an aspiring 3D designer or a professionalbrushing up on the basics, here is the essential grounding you needin 3ds Max 2012.
* Covers Autodesk 3ds Max 2012 fundamentals, so you becomequickly productive with the software
* Uses straightforward explanations and real-world, hands-onexercises and tutorials to teach the software’s core features andfunctions
* Helps you develop the skills you’ll need throughout ananimation production pipeline, whether you’re a beginner or a moreexperienced user brushing up on the basics
* Uses a task-based approach and covers topics such as polygonmodeling, materials and mapping, lighting, using mental ray, HDRIimages, and more
* This book is an Autodesk Official Training Guide
If you want to get quickly up to speed on 3ds Max, Autodesk3ds Max 2012 Essentials is the place to start.