This Book Stands Alone as an Introduction to the Context of Self-Defense.
There are seven elements that must be addressed to bring self-defense training to something approaching ‘complete.’ Any training that dismisses any of these areas leaves you vulnerable.
We strongly recommend this book to anybody wishing to learn self-defense, or understand how to stay safe should violence rear it’s ugly head.
Any teacher or student of self-defense, anyone interested in self-defense, and any person who desires a deeper understanding of violence really should read this book.
Survival Favors the Prepared Mind—Robert Crowley
- e Lit Award GOLD WINNER – 2012
- USA Best Books Award FINALIST – 2012
- Eric Hoffer Award HONORABLE MENTION – 2012
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Rory Miller is a writer and teacher living peacefully in the Pacific Northwest.
He has served for seventeen years in corrections as an officer and sergeant working maximum security, booking and mental health; leading a tactical team; and teaching subjects ranging from Defensive Tactics and Use of Force to First Aid and Crisis Communications with the Mentally Ill. For fourteen months he was an advisor to the Iraqi Corrections System working in Baghdad and Kurdish Sulaymaniyah. Somewhere in the midst of that he received a BS degree in Psychology; served in the National Guard as a Combat Medic (91A/B); earned college varsities in judo and fencing and received a mokuroku in jujutsu. He has drunk chichu with reformed cannibals and 18-year-old scotch with generals…and loves long sword fights on the beach.