Augustine's writings influenced the development of Western philosophy and Western Christianity, and he is viewed as one of the most important Church Fathers of the Latin Church in the Patristic Period. His many important works include The City of God, On Christian Doctrine, and Confessions.
His masterpieces has spawned innumerable other books and articles since. Later philosophers and theologians have been deeply influenced by The City of God, with its impact being felt from literature and historiography. Its greatest influence has been within the Christian church itself. Classic About the Timeless City is now an undisputed classic. The sheer scope of the work is impressive.
1. The City of God
2. On Christian Doctrine
3. The Confessions of Saint Augustine
4. Letters of Saint Augustine
5. The Soliloquies
6. Expositions on the Book of Psalms
7. Our Lord's Sermon on the Mount, According to Matthew
8. The Harmony of the Gospels
9. On the Holy Trinity
10. The Fifteen Books of Aurelius Augustinus, Bishop of Hippo, on the Trinity
11. Lectures or Tractates on the Gospel According to St. John
12. Doctrinal Treatises
13. On Faith and the Creed
14. Concerning Faith of Things Not Seen
15. Moral Treatises
16. Of the Work of Monks
17. Anti-Pelagian Writings
18. Anti-Manichaean Writings
19. Anti-Donatist Writings
20. Sermons (Homilies)
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Augustine's writings influenced the development of Western philosophy and Western Christianity, and he is viewed as one of the most important Church Fathers of the Latin Church in the Patristic Period.