This book explains why international donors may succeed in putting war-torn countries on the path of democratic transition and negative peace, but fail to consolidate the gains they make. Critical of neo-institutionalism, but sympathetic to historical and normative institutionalism, this book advances ‘complex realist institutionalism’ theory.
Mục lục
Introduction PART I: THE ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK Democratic Regime Consolidation & International Democracy Assistance Institutional Structure & Structural Challenges Research Methodology: Cambodia as Case Study PART II: POWER VS. DEMOCRATIC CONSOLIDATION Electoral Procedural Rules under Constraint Liberal Norms under Stress Liberty under Pressure PART III: THE LIMITS OF INSTITUTIONALIZATION State Institutions’ Underdevelopment Political Society’s Underdevelopment Civil Society’s Underdevelopment PART IV: STRUCTURAL CHALLENGES TO INSTITUTIONALIZATION Non-Material Constraints Economic Impediments Political Impediments PART V: THE LIMITS OF DEMOCRACY ASSISTANCE Limits of Assistance for Institution Building Limits of Economic Assistance Limits of Political Assistance Conclusion: Toward Complex Realist Institutionalism
Giới thiệu về tác giả
SORPONG PEOU is Professor of International Security at Sophia University, Japan. He has written on Cambodian politics, international peacekeeping, peacebuilding, and regional security in Pacific Asia.