Bird-watching is one of life’s simple joys.
Seeing a colorful friend flit about your backyard brings feelings of excitement, gladness, and contentment. Stan Tekiela understands the thrill of bird-watching. The award-winning author and naturalist has been studying and photographing backyard birds for more than 25 years. Here, he guides you through the wonderful lives of the most popular, most beloved species—like the American Goldfinch, the Northern Cardinal, and the Ruby-throated Hummingbird. His incomparable photography captures the birds in action and depicts behaviors that are sure to warm and perhaps even surprise you, while the book’s headings and small blocks of text make for easy yet informative browsing. Every important aspect of the birds’ lives, from first flight and feeding to migration and mating, is portrayed in this gorgeous book. Your coffee table won’t be complete without it.
Mục lục
The Comfort of Birds in Backyards
Moving into the New World
The Origins of Bird Feeding
Families of Birds
The Backyard Birds
Declining Populations
Saving Backyard Birds and Songbirds
Is It a Male or Female?
Colorful Attractions
Juvenile Plumages
Keen Eyesight
Knee and Ankle—or Foot?
Toe Arrangements
Hitching Down the Tree
Specialized Bills
Seasonal Feeding
Getting to the Nutmeat
Bird Feeding Popularity
Effects of Bird Feeding
Fruit Diet Appeal
Natural Music in the Backyard
Two-Song Multitaskers
Who’s Singing That Song?
Songsters with an Accent
Belting Out Drumbeats
Singing in Season
Adjusting Songs to the Habitat
Variety of Nests
The No-Fuss Home
Cavity Nesting
Nesters in Chimneys
Falcons in the Nest Box
Phoebes on Bug Patrol
Blackbird Appreciation
Ground Ruse of the Killdeer
Drawing Painted Buntings
Indigo Bunting Visits
Birds and Plants
Birds and Bugs
One-Season Pair Bonds
Short-Term Partners
Long-Term Mates
Hummingbird Independence
Early and Late Nesting
Semi-Colonial Nesters
The Amazing Egg
Egg Laying, One at a Time
The Marvel of Incubation
Whose Turn to Incubate?
Caution—Babies About to Hatch!
Help from the Egg Tooth
Helpless or Ready to Go
Brooding Warmth
Fledglings in the Nest
Chicks Out and About
The Need to Fly South
Hummingbird Migration
Weathering the Winter
Designed to Survive
Instincts to Help Them Through
Shivering off Fat for Warmth
Our Wonderful Backyard Friends
About the Author
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Wildlife photographer
Stan Tekiela has written more than 130 books. As a professional naturalist for more than 25 years, Stan studies wildlife throughout the United States and Canada. He has received various awards for his books and photographs, and he maintains a popular website at He lives in Victoria, MN.