Begin your graphic design career now, with the guidance of industry experts
Becoming a Graphic and Digital Designer is a single source guide to the myriad of options available to those pursuing a graphic design career. With an emphasis on portfolio requirements and job opportunities, this guide helps both students and individuals interested in entering the design field prepare for successful careers. Coverage includes design inspiration, design genres, and design education, with discussion of the specific career options available in print, interactive, and motion design. Interviews with leading designers like Michael Bierut, Stefan Sagmeister, and Mirko Ilic give readers an insider’s perspective on career trajectory and a glimpse into everyday operations and inspirations at a variety of companies and firms.
Design has become a multi-platform activity that involves aesthetic, creative, and technical expertise. Becoming a Graphic and Digital Designer shows readers that the field once known as ‘graphic design’ is now richer and more inviting than ever before.
- Learn how to think like a designer and approach projects systematically
- Discover the varied career options available within graphic design
- Gain insight from some of the leading designers in their fields
- Compile a portfolio optimized to your speciality of choice
Graphic designers’ work appears in magazines, advertisements, video games, movies, exhibits, computer programs, packaging, corporate materials, and more. Aspiring designers are sure to find their place in the industry, regardless of specific interests. Becoming a Graphic and Digital Designer provides a roadmap and compass for the journey, which begins today.
Mục lục
Foreword viii
Glossary x
Job Opportunities xii
Job Seeking xii
The Optimum Portfolio xiii
First Impressions xiii
One: Graphic Design
1 Inspirations and Motivations
Michael Bierut: On Being a Graphic Designer 17
Stephen Doyle: Selfish-In a Good Way 23
Stefan Sagmeister: On Being Self-Motivated 27
Arnold Schwartzman: Still Designing after All These Years 30
Gail Anderson: The Joys of Print Design 33
2 Starting A Studio or Working for Someone Else
Lynda Decker: Mapping Out the Future 37
Fernando Music: From Boss to Employee 40
Allison Henry Aver: Working Holistically 43
Romain Raclin: Creative Space 46
Alexander Isley: Staying Independent 49
Agnieszka Gasparska: Small Is Sensible 54
Bobby Martin and Jennifer Kinon: Championing Design 58
Antonio Alcalá: What a Dream Client Looks Like 62
Mark Pernice: From Band Member to Design Leader 65
Tamara Gildengers Connolly: Balancing Studio and Home 68
Araba Simpson: One Person, All Alone 72
Matt Luckhurst: Designing for Design Firms 74
3 Partners on Partnering
Hjalti Karlsson and Jan Wilker: Not a Lot of Verbalizing 79
Stuart Rogers and Sam Eckersley: Sharing Responsibilities 82
Justin Colt and Jose Fresneda: How Partners Becomes Partners 86
Greg D’Onofrio and Patricia Belen: Two Partners, One Passion 90
Scott Buschkuhl: At Present We Are Three 93
Two: Design Genres
4 Letters and Type
Marian Bantjes: Lettering as Art and Business 98
Andy Cruz and Rich Roat: There’s a Type Designer in the House 100
Pierre di Scuillo: Typography That Speaks Up 104
Ross Mac Donald: An Illustrator’s Passion for Type 108
Roberto de Vicq de Cumptich: For the Love of Type 112
How Many Typefaces Can You Love? (sidebar) 115
5 Making Logos and Marks
Mark Fox: The Mark Maker 117
6 Books and Book Jackets
Scott-Martin Kosofsky: Making a Living Doing Books 123
Michael Carabetta: Books and E-Books 127
Paul Buckley: The Bookkeeper 130
Jim Heimann: Making Visual Books 134
7 Editorial Design
Len Small: Print Is Bouncing Back 141
Susanna Shannon: Art Director Becomes Editor 144
8 Social Innovation
Mark Randall: Citizen Designer 149
Bob Mc Kinnon: Socially Impactful Design 154
9 Branding and Packaging
Sharon Werner: Approachable Design 157
10 Illustration Design
Michel Bouvet: Poster Man 163
Mirko Ilic: Design Is Like Classical Ballet 166
Steve Brodner: Graphic Commentary and Design 170
Steven Guarnaccia: The Old New Illustration 174
Neil Gower: Fraudulent Graphic Designer 178
Craig Frazier: Designing Pictures 182
Three: Transitional Design
11 Understanding Change
Richard Saul Wurman: The Architect of Understanding 189
Crossing Disciplines (sidebar) 191
Petrula Vrontikis: Creating Interactions 193
Erik Adigard: The Experience of the Information 196
Véronique Marrier: Graphic Design as a Cause 200
Making Transitions: Returning to School with Barbara De Wilde (sidebar) 203
12 Eccentrics and Design Quirkiness
Charles S. Anderson: Celebrating Commercial Art 205
Antoine Audiau and Manuel Varosz: Over-the-top Digita D.I.Y. 208
Ludovic Houplain/H5: Getting an Oscar for Graphic Design 210
Cary Murnion: Designing Cooties 214
Nick Ace: Speaking Frankly 217
13 What Comes Next
Timothy Goodman: Disposable Ideas 221
Ryan Feerer: Making Design Meals 224
Design Entrepreneurship (sidebar) 227
Franco Cervi: ‘I Am Reckless!’ 228
Four: Digital Design
14 Interactive Multimedia Installations and Interfaces
Debugging the Language of Digital Job Titles (sidebar) 233
Jeroen Barendse: Subverting the Mental Map 234
Julien Gachadoat: Demomaking for a Living 237
Ada Whitney: The New Motion 240
Defining the New Animation: Popularity, by J.J. Sedelmeir (sidebar) 241
Defining the New Animation: Technology’s Perks, by J.J. Sedelmeir (sidebar) 242
Jean-Louis Fréchin: Asking the Right Questions 243
Alexander Chen: Working for Google (sidebar) 245
15 Designing Apps for Mobile Devices
Sean Bumgarner: Between Text and Images 247
Michel Chanaud: Always Learning 250
John Kilpatrick: Designer as Accelerator 255
Nicolas Ledoux and Pascal Bejean: Digital Books and Magazines by Contemporary Artists 256
Typography on the Web, by Jason Santa Maria (sidebar) 258
Frédérique Krupa: Games as Powerful Motivators 260
Girls and Games (sidebar) 262
16 E-Commerce with a Soul
Randy J. Hunt: Growing into a Job 265
Lucy Sisman: Online Editorial Ventures 269
Nancy Kruger Cohen: Addicted to Startups 272
17 User Experience Specialists
Bruce Charonnat: Understanding Human-Computer Interaction 277
Michael Aidan: Using the Audience as Media 279
Hugh Dubberly: Mapping the Relationship between Ideas 282
Matthew Stadler: To Publish: To Create a Public for Books 288
18 Geeks, Programmers, Developers, Tinkerers
Frieder Nake: Controlling Computers with Our Thoughts 293
Mark Webster: Iterations and Algorithms 296
Five: Design Education
19 Making Choices
Andrea Marks: Old School, New School 308
Lita Talarico: Educating Design Entrepreneurs 311
Rudi Meyer: Developing the Righ Attitude 314
Lucille Tenazas: Idiosyncratic Contexts 317
Liz Danzico: Interfacing with UX 320
Allan Chochinov: The Maker Generation 322
David Carroll: Students and Surveillance 325
APPS That Track, by David Carroll (sidebar) 327
Appendix 1 College Directory 328
Appendix 2 Additional Reading 330
Index 332
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Steven Heller is co-chair of the School of Visual Arts MFA design program. He has written over 170 books on design and has been a contributor or contributing editor to nearly 25 magazines, including Print, Eye, and Baseline. Steven writes the ‘Visuals’ column for the New York Times Book Review.
Véronique Vienne writes books and conducts workshops on design criticism as a creative tool. She is a former magazine art director and has served as a faculty member and lecturer at art and design colleges in the United States and Europe.