World-class universities, commonly recognized as global research universities or flagship universities, are cornerstone institutions embedded in any academic system and play an important role in developing a nation’s competitiveness in the global knowledge economy. The development of world-class universities is high on the policy agenda of various stakeholders across the globe. In the past few years, an increasing number of nations, regions and higher education institutions in both developed and developing countries have joined the same race for academic excellence and have adopted a range of development strategies and implemented various reforms.
From a comparative perspective, How World-Class Universities Affect Global Higher Education intends to provide an in-depth picture of excellence initiatives and relevant policies adopted in various nations and regions, and to reflect opportunities and challenges of developing excellence.
Table of Content
Acknowledgements; 1. How World-Class Universities Affect Global Higher Education: Influences and Responses; Section 1: National and Regional Reflections on Excellence Initiatives; 2. A New Push in French Excellence: Could France Again Be Capable of World-Class Research?; 3. Context and First Observations on the “Investment Programme for the Future” in France; 4. Promoting Research Excellence: The Excellence Initiative in Germany; 5. Top Down Push for Excellence: Lesson from Russia; 6. The Korean Government’s Policies and Strategies to Foster World-Class Universities; 7. Continuity and Transformation: Continuous Challenges for World-Class Status among Universities in Taiwan and Japan as Ageing Societies; 8. Reflections on the Effects of the 985 Project in Mainland China; Section 2: Opportunities and Challenges of Developing Excellence Perspective; 9. Privatization, the State, and the Transformation of World-Class Research Universities; 10. On Mergers and Missions: Implications for Institutional Governance and Governmental Steering; 11. Too Small to Succeed: Middle-Income Nations and the Quest for Distinction in Global Higher Education; 12. What Matters in Global Outreach?: The Case of the University of Hong Kong; 13. Global Competition among Research Universities; About the Authors.