Designing Research Questionnaires, Yuksel Ekinci guides you through origins, types of questionnaire, basic components, types of questions and properties of measurement scales, how to design a questionnaire, sequence of questions, layout decisions and pilot testing, examples and strengths and limitations.
Ideal for Business and Management students reading for a Master’s degree, each book in the series may also serve as reference books for doctoral students and faculty members interested in the method.
Part of SAGE’s Mastering Business Research Methods Series, conceived and edited by Bill Lee, Mark N. K. Saunders and Vadake K. Narayanan and designed to support researchers by providing in-depth and practical guidance on using a chosen method of data collection or analysis.
Table of Content
Chapter 1: Understanding Research Questionnaires
Chapter 2: Basic Components of Research Questionnaires
Chapter 3: Conducting Research with Questionnaires
Chapter 4: Examples of Research Questionnaires
About the author
Yuksel Ekinci is Professor of Marketing in the Henley Business School at the University of Reading. He teaches courses in research methods and global marketing management. Yuksel is an active researcher. His principal areas of research have been the theory testing and scale development in the areas of service quality, consumer satisfaction and branding. He co-authored a book on scale development, authored book chapters and more than fifty peer reviewed journal articles some of which were appeared in the Journal of Business Research, the European Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Management, the Service Industries Journal, Journal of Travel Research and the Annals of Tourism Research. He supervised many MBA, MSc, Ph D students to successful completion and examined doctoral theses in the UK and abroad. Yuksel serves as an editorial board member for several academic journals such as the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services and Journal of Travel Research.