Technology and Touch addresses the development of a range of new touch technologies, both technologies that we reach out to touch and technologies that touch us, by exploring how we use touch to connect with and understand our world, and ourselves.
Contents Preface 1. Touch: an embodied, social and cultural practice 2. Technologies: their role in our everyday lives PART I: Technologies of touch 3. Eye feel: visuality and touch 4. Good vibrations: touch, sound and movement PART II: Technologies that we touch 5. Mouse, screen and console: the capabilities and ethics of touch-enabled technologies 6. From Phantom to haptic cow: technologies that touch back PART III: Technologies that touch us 7. Smart Textiles: clothing makes the (hu)man 8. Prosthetics & Robots: marking the borders of human-technology interaction 9. Conclusion Bibliography Index ?
Anne Cranny-Francis is Professor of Cultural Studies and Director of the Transforming Cultures Research Centre at the University of Technology Sydney. Her books include Multi Media: Text and Context (2005), Gender Studies: Terms and Debates (2003), The Body in the Text (1995), Popular Culture (1994), Engendered Fictions (1992), and Feminist Fiction (1990).