Exploring the nature, configuration and influence of global elites, this book examines the impact of elites on transnational policy development and strategically on corporations as board members of PLCs and international joint ventures. Overall, the book provides a balanced view of how our present day elites operate.
From Local Elite to Super Class: Historical Perspective Global Capitalism Theory and the Emergence of Transnational Elites Panopticism and Elites Elites and the Post-industrial Society A Strategist Without a Plan The Nature of Chinese Elites Elitism, Class and the Democratic Deficit: Founding Themes of the American Republic The Transnational Power Elite What Elites Can Do For You How Political Elites have Influenced Ohio and U.S National Politics Board Directors as Elites in the Context of International Joint Ventures Entrepreneurs as Elites: How Do They Succeed? Business Elites in Turkey A Critical Understanding of Migrant Elites in Europe Leadership Hubris: Achilles Heel of Success
ANDREW KAKABADSE Professor of International Management Development, Doughty Centre, Cranfield University’s School of Management, UK. Recognized as a world authority on leadership and governance, Andrew has held and also holds visiting appointments at the Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, Universite Pantheon Assas, Paris, France, Centre for Creative Leadership and Thunderbird, the Garvin School of International Management, USA, University of Ulster, The Windsor Leadership Trust, UK, Institute of Management Economics and Strategic Research, Kazakhstan, and Macquarie Graduate School of Management, Australia. He has consulted and lectured in every region of the world. His bestselling books include
The Politics of Management,
Working in Organizations,
The Wealth Creators,
Leading the Board,
Rice Wine with the Minister and
Leading Smart Transformation: A Roadmap to World Class Government.
NADA K. KAKABADSE Professor in Management and Business Research at the University of Northampton Business School, UK, and Visiting Professor at US, Australian, French, Kazakhstani and Chinese universities. She has co-authored seventeen books (with Andrew Kakabadse) and has published over 140 scholarly articles. Her current areas of interest focus on leadership, strategy, boardroom effectiveness, governance, CSR and ethics, and ICT impact on individual and society. Nada is co-editor of the
Journal of Management Development and the Corporate Governance Journal.