Knowledge management has become a well-known term, but science-based innovation remains relatively unexploited. Bridging the gap between knowledge management theory and studies of science of technology, such as in the pharmaceutical industry and biotechnology firms, this book provides a timely insight into the innovation of the knowledge economy.
Introduction: Science under the Auspices of Management Objectives PART ONE: THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES ON SCIENCE-BASED INNOVATION Knowledge Work and Innovation What Do Scientists Do? Components of Scientific Work From the Laboratory to the Pipeline: New Drug Development in Pharmaceutical Industry PART TWO: SCIENCE-BASED INNOVATION IN PRACTICE Innovation Work as Play and Systematic Risk-Taking Leadership and Emotional Management in Science-Based Innovation Work Management Control in Science-Based Innovation Work PART THREE: REFLECTIONS Thinking of Science-Based Innovation
ALEXANDER STYHRE is Professor in technology management, specializing in project management at Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden. He is a research fellow at the Institute for Management and Innovation of Technology (IMIT) and member of the editorial board of
Scandinavian Journal of Management and
International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies.