This book examines the relationship between family influence and financial performance and non-economic goals in small and medium family-owned enterprises (SME) in Portugal. Research on the performance of family-owned firms is growing but results are mixed, especially for non-listed companies. This book examines smaller family-owned firms that operate in a small, open economy, characterised by a context of relatively weak capital markets and predominantly bank-based financing. Delving into the impact of key variables such as the power dimension, experience and culture on performance establishes, the book goes on to analyse the determinants of performance in such family-owned SMEs. Given the importance of family firms to open economies, this book would be a valuable read to scholars aiming to understand the reasons behind their success, managers seeking out strategic and operational guidance and to regulators and policymakers at the regional and national levels.
1. Introduction.- 2. Theoretical background: Family Firms.- 3. Family Influence and Organizational Performance.- 4. Research Hypotheses.- 5. Research Design.- 6. Methods.- 7. Analysis and Discussion of Results.- 8. Conclusions, Contributions and Recommendations to Practitioners.
Ana Paula Matias Gama, Ph.D., (in Finance – ISCTE/IUL Business School –Lisbon) is assistant professor with accreditation at University of Beira Interior (Portugal) where she teaches courses on management, accounting and finance. Her research interests are in corporate finance and entrepreneurial finance. She publishes articles in various journals such as Research in Journal of Business Finance and Accounting (JBFA), Small Business Economics (SBE), Journal of Small Business Management (JSBM), Emerging Markets Review (EMR), Research in Business Finance and Accounting (RIBA) and Review of Accounting and Finance (RAF). Her research is supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science (FCT), project n.º PTDC/EGE-OGE/31246/2017 and UIDB/04630/2020.
Catarina Afonso Alves, Ph.D. (in Management – University of Beira Interior, Covilhã – Portugal) is assistant professor at Polytechnic Institute of Guarda (Portugal) in School of Technology and Management. She teaches in the 1st and 2nd cycle courses in the areas of accounting, business management and entrepreneurship. Her research interests are in family business and entrepreneurship. She is a professor / researcher at the Research Unit for Inland Development of Polytechnic Institute of Guarda.