The Definitive And Step by Step Guide To Swing Trading: Trade Like A Pro
Discover the Secret Short to Medium Term Trading Strategies Professional Traders Use To Make $100, 000 a day.
This bundle is made up of Andrew Johnson’s masterpieces on trading which includes:
A Beginner’s Guide to Day Trading: Discover How to Be a Day Trading King
AND A Beginner’s Guide to Forex: Uncover the Secrets of Forex AND Options Trading: A Beginners Guide to Option Trading Unlocking the Secrets of Option Trading AND
A Beginner’s Guide to Binary Options: Uncovering the Secrets of Binary Options AND
Day Trading: The Ultimate Guide to Day Trading :
Uncovering Day Trading Profit Making Secrets AND Forex: The Ultimate Guide to Forex :
Uncovering Forex Profit Making Secrets AND Options Trading: The Ultimate Guide to Options Trading :
Uncovering Options Trading Profit Making Secrets AND Binary Options: The Ultimate Guide to Binary Options: Uncovering Binary Options Profit Making Secrets
Swing trading is a common trading technique the big boys of Wall Street use to make a fortune. This book will cover their key strategies. You finally have access to the secret trading strategies of wall street traders.
Inside you will find:
- A key analysis On How to master Day Trading
- 14 different patterns that will help you determine the current momentum of the market no matter what the specifics.
- Ten different trading strategies for all seasons and market moods and how to get the most out of each one.
- Several specialized and advanced trading techniques and when to use them for maximum profit.
- The importance of timing and how to ensure you always choose the right time to enter or exit a trade
- The difference between the butterfly spread and the modified butterfly spread and when to use each for the best results
- What value areas are and how to put them to work effectively for you
- Why you shouldn’t be trading options without considering hedging your trades
- How scalping Bollinger bands can take your forex trading game to the next level while only increasing your risk a small amount
- The best way to jump into futures trading while maintaining a reasonable level of risk
- And much much more…