Essay from the year 2020 in the subject Politics – Region: Africa, grade: A, Mount Kenya University (LAW), course: INTERNATIONAL REFUGEE LAW, language: English, abstract: RSD is the legal or administrative process by which governments or the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) determine whether a person seeking international protection qualifies to be declared a refugee under international, regional or national law. States have the primary responsibility for conducting RSD, but UNHCR may do so where states are unable or unwilling. The RSD process in Kenya is very similar to that of South Africa. This process is outlined in the Refugees (Reception, Registration and Adjudication) Regulations, 2009 (just Refugees Regulations, 2009 for the purposes of this essay). The Refugees Regulations, 2009 is a subsidiary legislation of the Refugees Act 2006.
B W NAMANO has a Masters in Project Planning and Management; and a BSc in Instrumentation and Controls Engineering.