Eckrich and Mc Clure provide a greater understanding of what a family business really is and how they differ from other companies and work environments. Designed to provide insight into the family and its behavior and to integrate the non-family employee into its unique structure.
Introduction: Your Role in a Special Partnership What Makes a Family Business Unique? The Value of ‘Family’ to a Family Business When There’s Conflict (And There Will Be Conflict!) Difficult Passage From a Founder to Sons and Daughters Difficult Passage #2: From Sibling Control to Next-Generation Cousins Understanding a ‘Family-First’ Business What About ‘Business’ Companies? When Crisis Looms More Understanding of the Soup You’re In The Empowered Employee: Maximizing Your Success Summary Notes Suggested Readings Index
CHRISTOPHER J. ECKRICH Principal of The Family Business Consulting Group, Inc., an adjunct faculty member at The University of Notre Dame, USA, and has served as a founding advisor to The Family Business Center at the University of St. Francis.
STEPHEN L. Mc CLURE Principal at the Family Business Consulting Group, Inc. and specializes in family communications and decision making, succession planning and implementation, and governance & management in family firms.