If you are working in a time-sensitive context, need to deliver research findings so they can be used to inform decisions, or are finding it difficult to access research funding for long-term qualitative research, this book will help you. Introducing ‘rapid qualitative research’, it demonstrates how you can conduct high quality qualitative research within time, access and resource constraints.
The book uses real world examples to illustrate the benefits and challenges of using rapid qualitative research designs. Focusing on the when, why and how, it explains the difference between cutting corners and making quick, well-informed research choices that support rigorous, credible research.
Key features of the book include discussion questions and exercises for you to reflect on and apply your learning, as well as two case study chapters of real-world research so you can see rapid research in action.
Written by the world’s leading expert on this subject, this book contains the theoretical and practical nuts and bolts you need to reframe existing qualitative methods, speed up your research, and make tangible contributions to your field. It is the perfect companion for any researcher, final-year undergraduate or postgraduate student looking to conduct rapid, but rigorous, qualitative research.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: A brief overview of rapid qualitative research approaches
Chapter 3: Designing rapid qualitative studies
Chapter 4: Data collection in rapid qualitative research
Chapter 5: Data analysis and interpretation
Chapter 6: Challenges and practicalities of rapid qualitative research
Chapter 7: Dissemination and the use of findings
Chapter 8: Case study 1: A rapid appraisal of healthcare workers’ experiences of care during COVID-19
Chapter 9: Case study 2: A rapid service evaluation of programmes to support children with learning disabilities
Chapter 10: The future of rapid qualitative research
Cecilia Vindrola-Padros is a medical anthropologist interested in applied health research and the development of rapid approaches to research. She works across five interdisciplinary teams, applying anthropological theories and methods to study and improve healthcare delivery in the UK and abroad. She has written extensively on the use of rapid qualitative research and currently Co-Directs the Rapid Research Evaluation and Appraisal Lab (RREAL) with Dr Ginger Johnson. Cecilia works as a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Targeted Intervention, UCL and as a Social Scientist at the NIAA Health Services Research Centre (HSRC), Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCo A). She is the past director of the Qualitative Health Research Network (QHRN) and a Fellow of the Society for Applied Anthropology (Sf AA).